Rule checking should be done automatically by the site if the admin cares. It's not my problem if someone breaks rules.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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suspensions are served and thus need to be excluded from future checks

This is exactly why I don't bother to check or report. 99% of the time when I checked, the answer from support was "already served".

Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons automatic checking doesn't work. Steam's API is often garbage, games get removed/revoked, suspensions are served and thus need to be excluded from future checks, some violations are harder to spot for various other reasons, etc.

None of that is any excuse for not doing it automatically.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I don't have anything against the present system really I don't mind doing a simple check before sending gifts, and I don't think suspensions should be given automatically but I've been wondering why it wasn't possible to at least have the system check that winners have redeemed their gifts when marking received and report to support if not. I understand that the Steam's API doesn't always reports games properly but it does works for a good numbers of games.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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