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"A one of a kind, beautiful, deep and atmospheric experience. Super Art, Sound & Story. Well worth playing through to the end.

Superborthers + Capy = <3"

Pixeljam (curator link)

11 months ago

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I can completely confirm that it's a one of a kind experience (won it here on SG and played it). It does have some resolution issues that can make the game unplayable, but once you have it working properly, it's completely worth it.
Although I'm not sure a lot of people would actually like the idea of ACTUALLY waiting for the real life moon cycles to complete the game properly.

11 months ago

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ACTUALLY waiting

found that huge :)

amen to what you said.100%

11 months ago

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thanks for the game and thanks for contributing to the train :D

11 months ago

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You're welcome. I always try to contribute to the CT when I can.

11 months ago

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