
I just realized i got knocked off level 5. Here is giveaway to raise me back!
Humble Monthly December 2017 key.

Didn't know that levels depreciate. That's pretty lame. Nonetheless, thanks for the giveaway!

7 years ago

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It is something related to the bundle status of games. I'm not sure how exactly it works though.

7 years ago

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It's connected to the base price of a game. Not to the bundle state if you made the giveaway before the bundle was released.
Lets assume you gave away Doom when it released and had a base price of 60 $. Then you got 60 cv. But today Doom has a price of 30 dollars. So even if you created a GA for Doom the day it released, you only get 30 cv as the calculation always uses the current base price

7 years ago

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Thanks for clarification!

7 years ago

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b-b-but....why? That makes no sense to diminish value of $60 given away two years before it gets put in a bundle.

7 years ago

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to make levels not constant ... someone on lvl 10 will have to make more giveaways to stay on lvl 10

7 years ago

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thx!!! :D

7 years ago

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Gracias ^_^

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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You are welcome =D

7 years ago

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