Hello, I'm new to the community. I have a lot of extra game keys from Humble Bundles I've bought over the years, and I'll be giving them away little by little. Good luck!
Edit: It has come to my attention I may not have set the restrictions for the giveaway correctly. Rather than outright cancel the giveaway and possibly take away the opportunity to win the key for those who have already entered, if you are chosen as the winner and cannot redeem your key, please reach out to me and I will do whatever I can to make the situation right. I'll do my best to prevent such an issue in the future as well. Thank you for your understanding, and good luck!
24 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Myrsan
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1,598 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ingrid88
Welcome to the community! :)
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I am not sure if we can somehow check in which regions is key available as some games have various packages of keys. That is why creator have to set regions for which is their key available.
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As xxxka said, you will have to set the region restrictions, and the one entering can't determine the restrictions.
Since most of these keys are from HB, you can refer the bundle discussion in the SG community. They usually have information on the region restrictions. Try these links:
You'll find individual discussion like this and this.
Also, when selecting the "Gift" option on HB, you are informed of any region restriction (though iirc, we should share the key and not use the gift option because HB has issues with people gifting too many keys, or vice versa, sorry can't remember).
Hope this helps.
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Got it, I was not aware of this. I'll edit the descriptions accordingly. If someone manages to win and can't redeem the key, I'll see about making it right.
Edit: The new description/disclaimer is now up on all of my current giveaways, as I have set them up the same. I'll do my best to do better in the future.
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That's the spirit :D
Welcome to Steamgifts!
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<3 !!
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That's a promising start, welcome ^^
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Fair warning that while any decent winner would agree to a deletion, a winner isn't required to agree to such (deletion is, as a rule, an agreement between GA creator and winner, and staff doesn't usually intervene), so it's generally considered better to delete the giveaway while it's still active when there's a known region restriction. Any invested P are automatically refunded to entrants, and you can always contact support to get your giveaway slots returned (slot loss is meant more to be an automatic safeguard against exploitation than a strict penalty).
There's also groups that protect GA creators from any non-respectful winners (Delete this game.., Lootboy SG, Positive Thoughts are the ones I can name offhand) that you can post less-sure giveaways into. They still can't protect you outright, but with the risk of group ejection lingering over winner heads, it's exceptionally unlikely you'll ever run into problems.
As a final note, if you're aware of what bundles you got the keys from, you can simply look up the bundles here on SG. If there were any region restrictions, they should be noted within the associated threads.
Well, in most cases, unless you're in Japan, China, SEA, or RU/CIS (ie, when purchasing a game or bundle), and a very small number of other places, you're not actually going to run into too many consistent region restrictions or locks (though Japan and [with older games] Germany and a few other places sometimes have.strict region restrictions due to cultural bans or strict regional publishing rights, so you do need to be concious of gifting to such regions when it comes to Japanese-produced games, Nazi-imagery games, etc). Similarly, while sometimes you hit a jackpot on bad returns with public giveaways (eg, 8 rerolls on a single giveaway, due to invalid winners) most times you're not going to run into troubles of any sort.
So all things considered, you're probably fine. Well, wishing you the best for that result, in any case. :)
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I think that's a good starting point for now. I'd recommend going through the rules and FAQ in case you haven't already. Some of them might come as a surprise.
Also, I forgot to say this earlier, Welcome to SG!
I hope you have a good time here.
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the system will auto respond to "accident" in support ticket to remove a giveaway and remake it. it isn't a strike against your record in any way. just mentioning this because sometimes the reroll process (and winner responding process) can take a very long time... this happens more commonly in entry / no level giveaways
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Welcome to Steamgifts!
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That sounds nice. Welcome to the community.
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Hey Larumas, and welcome to the site :)
If the games you're giving away have been bought in a bundle, especially on Humble, chances are you can find a thread about it here in the "Deals" section. The people creating those threads, are usually extremely spot on when listing if games have region restrictions or not.
Also, just be aware that if you end up having a winner that can't activate it due to a region restriction, support can't re-roll it for you, since there's a chance it'll hit someone from another blocked region. I had unknowingly happen to me recently. They also can't edit the regions after the giveaway is created. Just so you're aware :)
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I'll just have to keep that in mind going forward. The trouble in my case is that many of the keys are from bundles long past, though I honestly don't know how many keys (or how far back they go) that I truly have. I'll just have to approach it better for the next round of giveaways.
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I hope you won't run into too many issues. In any case, thanks for all the giveaways :)
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Thanks for this giveaway! ^_^
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Thank you for this giveaway! Just finished the first part and it was an amazing experience.
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Thank You
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Thank you for the chance ;)
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Welcome traveler! o/
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Welcome on SG and thank you for the chance!
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Thank you for the opportunity! :)
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thks for chance
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Thanks for the giveaway!
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Thanks for the giveaway!
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TY, user
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Thanks for the giveaway!
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Thanks for the giveaway!
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that would be a great birthday gift :D
thank you for the chance
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