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Just finished it. Superb game, pixel art looks good, the story could be less obvious but the writing is superb. Highly recommend.
GL train-riding space cats!

1 year ago

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This is not my main genre of games... but this comment made me enter this ga.
Let's see how my luck goes into trying it out or not :)

1 year ago

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Be careful, you might find a new genre to like..! 📚😊
All in all, it really is a good game with multiple endings as well.
GL meneldur 🍀

1 year ago

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I totally recomend to play Tales of the Neon Sea

Looks into your profile, and you already play that one...

Left the recomendation here to others people interested in this kind of great pixel art games with amazing story

1 year ago

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Thanks for the giveaway !

11 months ago

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