

You've seen a warehouse before, it looks just like that. Don't worry about the details.

People and things are moving everywhere. You can't quite make out what everyone is doing, but whatever it is, they are certainly doing a lot of it.

While looking in all directions for the exit, your attention is drawn to a small box labelled COBALT. Huh. I guess you find that sort of thing in a warehouse these days.

Carefully staying out of everyone's way, you can pick your way NORTH SOUTH WEST and EAST.

"... with elements of survival."

What does that even mean? "Survival" seems to be the new "roguelike". Do developers slap it on their game descriptions in the hope that people who actually like survival games (or games with rogue-like elements) will buy their games by accident? I can't see any "elements of survival" in this one, unless they simply mean trying not to get killed. sigh

Hey, it has trading cards! :-o Thank you fiftykyu. :D

Edit: Oh, even better. Here's one of the reviews: "My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined" :-D

6 years ago

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Hope it's fun, but it looks like you spent more time writing that comment than the "developer" spent working on the "game" ... :)

6 years ago

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