
Another 5 GAs from yours truely, we're now at 44 followers and 76 members at the time of my writing this, which I'll say is the biggest spike I've had and I've not even been active for it. Needless to say, I expected as much xD. 5 More followers and I will do both the member and follower 50 GAs together, now theres a conditional clause!
Still a little behind and I know I'm going to be behind for a good bit as these GAs are going in 5's but as soon as we hit that 50 mark I'll increase it to per 10 to keep your points for some other GA.

Please let me know if they key you recieved is faulty as I usually have spares or the means to get more.
I look forward to seeing you digging through the trash with me my fellow racoons.

10 More Followers to the big 5 0
Oh why is that special? Well I plan on doing a giveaway of a really good game, or several good ones for my Curator, also, these are all milestone GAs so if more people join/follow I'll do more milestone GAs, better ones for more significant milestones obviously

40 Follower Milestone GA # 5


4 years ago

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