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29,658 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by maximilyn
thanks ^^
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I'm entering so many of your giveaways, almost all the games you are giving are on my wishlist, so thanks hehehe. I really love Roguelite and Roguelikes, but I seem to respond well to most games with randomised stuff in it.
I just think different people like different things, so don't worry if you're not digging what other people seem to enjoy. There are always types of games that are the flavour of the month (right now it's the Battle Royale style).
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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It's actually a big problem for me, hehe, I end up saying waaaay too much, when I just popped in to do some entries and then leave. This place is addictive :) And I love having a good conversation.
My library is huuuuge too, the main problem for me is it's filled with junk I got for card-farming and I'm struggling to figure out how to find the good games amongst that, so I usually just end up playing new ones...yikes.
I love the sheer variety of Roguelikes, like for people who like old school Nintendo style platforming, Rogue Legacy is an amazing roguelike, but there's also a lot of Roguelike cardgames, puzzlers and more. I personally like feeling like I'm earning something even when I 'fail'. I don't like Roguelikes that have permadeath where nothing carries over as I am not an amazingly talented gamer (despite gaming for 20+ years).
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Aha. You again!
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I mean, if you meant me :P
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Definitely you. No mistaken.
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I'm in sort of a weird situation when it comes to both roguelikes and lites. There's so many of these games in this genre that looks absolutely amazing to me, games I truly believe I'd have a lot of fun playing. But often after my first run or two I'm just like "nah, I don't like starting over every time". And yet I still look at this genre and think it's awesome. I do like some roguelites, but I think I enjoy them more when there's some sort of progression. It might be that you start over, but you did unlock something last time for instance that can make the start of your next run easier maybe, or give you the chance at least, to get further. Games like Binding of Isaac and Rogue Legacy. I loved the look of Risk of Rain as well, but I just never really got into it.
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OMG I forgot about Risk of Rain, Risk of Rain is so simple and I didn't think I'd rate it at all...but playing with my partner, it was like crack. He's always been a better gamer than me, but I kicked his ass and surviving the crazy waves of enemies in Risk of Rain, once I'd played a few times and got the hang of it, was super rewarding. I'll need to play again!
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Haha you're welcome! I'll give it another go with my girlfriend as well at some point. Multiplayer does tend to make things more fun either way.
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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Depending on the game, the RNG can definitely be frustrating. You'll have a good run going but then get hit with the worst luck. I enjoy the genre, but I still need to take a break from them or else I'd go insane.
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Well... Maybe you like to bend little too much? Yes?
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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If the mechanics of a game resonate with you, it doesn't have to end when you beat it. It lets you keep enjoying it, each run having the same core gameplay while feeling like a completely different experience. That's not why your head is up there though, there's nothing wrong with not liking something. Might want to have that looked at by a professional.
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I don't know much about rouge-likes, but this game just looks interesting to me from the trailer. You may be right to not like them. I'll have to find out. I still haven't played FTL. It makes me think of a moving tower defense type game, and I like some tower defense.
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I can't criticize someone's taste in games any more than I can criticize their taste in food or music or art or films. Imagine how dull the world would be if everyone thought the same things and all games were the same style. I'm happy to have variety even if that means not everything will appeal to me. Thanks for sharing this with us! :)
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If there's any genre I can understand someone not liking it is rogue-likes/lites. The rng can put people off, when done wrong. Personally, some of my favourite and most played games are rogue-likes, and I like the possibilities that the rng brings in them
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Rogue-likes/lites are like real life. You can't know what will happen the next second for sure. We may have some perception, but in a blinking everything can change, and normally we don't like surpresive changes. Playing roguelikes remember me that I must accept changes in life and face/deal with them.
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Rogue-li'es are terrible for someone who's trying to get through a story, but fantastic for someone who likes replayability. There's a constant urge, or need even, to approach a familiar situation over and over again, trying different tactics or strategies.. Because there's a huge factor of randomness it doesn't become predictable (which to me equals boring). If you don't think that sort of thing is fun, then you haven't got your head up your ass. Your head is just pointed in a different direction.
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If you have your head up your ass it's because you shoved your head up your ass. I you hadn't shoved your head up your ass, then you wouldn't have your head up your ass, and I wouldn't have to write 'head up your ass' so many times. Very few people that have their head up their asses will not how it got up their ass, it is probably a terrifying experience to have your head shoved up you ass and I would imagine it would leave a strong memory of the incident. :)
And Rogue-Lite/likes are awesome because they are so bloody annoying and frustrating. That feeling when you get just a little bit further (before dying horribly again and have to restart all over again) is almost unbeatable. And when you get far in the game the excitement is high because you know you are just one stupid mistake away from being back in the beginning with all the skillless riff-raff once more...
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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Don't know which would be worse for you:
Doing it slowly over time as you did, or
Just saying Let's freaking do this and charging off into the sunset (looking slightly silly....).
I think both ways has it's merits, buuuuuuuut I'm going to have to say that I will not try any of them today at least.
You could experiment and write a thesis about it. You would probably help a lot of people out that way?
For science
You Monster
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Thank you
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If it wasn’t weird, I would have sent you a picture of myself. Because I look totally grateful!
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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Thank you, this game is on my wishlist!
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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.
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