
If you've got a minute, consider this:

Everything around you is a an aspect of the universe, and there is no need to have resistances against anything or anyone, because you are, too. Created by a god or by the rules of nature, whatever angle you want to see it from, the conclusion is the same. You are part of it like everything and everyone else in existence. Nothing to be afraid of, nothing to hate, nothing to get unhappy about, or jealous, or greedy. See the connection between yourself and everything and everyone around you. It's there like an open secret.
It doesn't mean we should accept everything in this world as it is, but to meet its aspects and other people with an attitude of co-responsibility instead of resistance.

Thanks a lot! I've actually been trying to win this game for a while. I'm not a huge fan of HOGs, but something about the themes and art of this one set it apart for me. So I didn't go for a whole HOG bundle just for this game, but just have been hoping to get it on here and finally did! So, thank you. :)

What you wrote in the description is very interesting. I would say that it's largely consistent with my beliefs and philosophy, though I don't adhere to any particular religion or anything like that, and I've rarely explicitly thought about things this way, though on occasion I think I have. Your description made me wonder, do you [adhere to any particular religion or anything like that]? I can't tell if it's out of some specific existing philosophy or just your own thoughts. :P
In any case, I think they are some wise thoughts and a helpful way to see the world. In particular, seeing life from this sort of angle can help in times when you're struggling with some adversity that feels unfair or when it feels like you failed or your life is going in the wrong direction. I generally believe in a secular version of "God has a plan" - that is, I have come to believe that, recently, after a lot of time to digest things and think them through - that is, that, ultimately, accepting an outcome that you initially saw as pretty bad can allow you to have peace and move forward from it. More peace, at least, than if you keep going back to it and thinking about how you let that happen or why it happened to you or that it wasn't "supposed to" happen. And more peace than if you keep fretting over something you can't really change and worrying about what it means for your future, etc. If you accept that 'this was how things were "supposed to" happen' - even though I don't actually believe (anymore) that there IS a way anything is "supposed to" happen and I would be recognizing as I'm thinking this that this kind of thought is a construction - you allow yourself to move forward. Otherwise, you're always stuck on the fact that something "went wrong", cosmically or something, and I guess that is the kind of worrying thought that his going to stick with you and keep troubling you.
I also generally believe that a lot of things that various religions teach are wise and useful, I just think that the same beliefs can be held without attaching the word "God" or any other superstition about the nature of the material world to them.

6 years ago

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