
Sometimes it feels like there is no way to escape loneliness and you are doomed to live in it. You smile all day just to hide that emptiness... You know that one day you will find someone to fill that space. You believe. You hope... Till that day comes you remain your own prisoner, locked inside your own jail, desperately banging walls hoping that someone will hear you, but there is no sound at all, just because sound doesn't exist with no one to hear it.
Some days are better, but some days just disappear in that emptiness.
Sometimes you ask yourself one question, question you are avoiding, you don't want to hear.....

<---- bump?

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Thank you for the train, even with the sad musings!

7 years ago

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Well, at least this persona still hasn't lost capability to hope, that's considerably more than many people can say about themselves.

7 years ago

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(3 AM here, I'll try ^^) I think: the times when we feel more alone coincide with those where we feel the lack of someone next to us. And the solution is in the simplicity of this deduction. We must learn that we don't need someone that complete us, someone that fill the space, someone that accept us... we need to accept ourselves, forgiving our own mistakes. When you accept yourself, you are no longer alone because you behave differently, you have less fear. No one can hurt you 'cause you have already judged, forgiven and accepted yourself. It's not easy, but it's the only way I know...

7 years ago

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I agree.
From the text on the GAs I gathered that people you refer to hope to find someone to be friends with but when someone actually try to befriend them they "run away".
If you learn to love yourself the way you are you will be more open to belief that others can love you too, and thus be less likely to rebuff someone when they approach you and be more at ease when trying to start a conversation.
And I don't mean that you have to love everything about yourself. I say this as someone who thinks I am awesome, but I also know my flaws, and there are things I would change about myself, but doesn't change the way I feel about myself. I love me! ^_^
This doesn't mean I don't have social anxiety or insecurities. I have. I tend to overthink and analyze everything I did and said.
Talking with people taxes me emotionally, and even though I can easily go and talk to strangers, I have very few friends.
But I'm happy with it. :)

7 years ago

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Hmmm, I really don't know how to reply to this.
On one hand, I have never felt the need to communicate with others. Other people are just... sorta there. If they try to talk to me then I will talk back and I will seek them out if I have information that I need to convey to them or get from them. But that's about it. You could say that this is the emptiness you speak of, but the question is was it always there or did it came into existence as I grew older.
On the other hand, I feel like we are emotionally programmed (barring exceptions, which I don't think I'm one of) to seek out a significant other in which case I guess I am lonely since I have long ago reached the conclusion that that significant other is too perfect to exist. (And even if she does exist I don't exactly talk to people much to find that out. :P )

So, yeah, I don't know why I wrote all that out. I guess I might have pilled up too many depressing subjects for one night so now I just spill out everything that comes to mind. Just ignore me.
Also thank you very much for the giveaways. :)

7 years ago

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Hi. We all are different and need different amounts of social interaction to be well. That's not strange at all, i'm quite like you in this matter.
I just wanted to point out that thoughts that are too rigid can never be good for a person, because you cannot adapt to nature's changing circumstances. So believing that you won't find a significant other because you require too much for her to fit in that "gap" only will lead you to not finding her.
I would suggest rethinking what you need/ want in a companion, and why. Trying to make our thoughts more adaptable is always a good way to self-improvement.
Just my thoughts on the matter, have a nice day :)

PS: I apologize if my english is not the most understandable one, it's not my first language.

7 years ago*

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My thoughts in the last few years can be summed up as "pessimism, pessimism, pessimism", so, yeah, I guess that's not the healthiest outlook to have on life. I have been trying to "do" something about it by going to psychologists and stuff but no success so far. I might be a bit too stubborn to change. XD

Also your English is perfectly understandable. No need to apologize for anything.

7 years ago

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Yes, our mind can either be our best ally, or our worst foe.
Question your thoughts, try to find the reason to them, to understand why you think that way, or why you would only accept a partner that perfectly fits what you expect (maybe it is due to imposed morality? to past experiences? to high expectations on yourself which you end up requiring also of others?...)
I found some time ago that understanding is the (my) way to being happy. We humans do not usually tolerate uncertainty very well. When you understand something it's easier for you to accept, be it something positive or negative. It cannot harm you because you understand why it's happening.

And yeah, the most important thing is that you noticed that you were not very well and took action to change things. Thinking "I might be a bit too stubborn to change" only maintains the problem, it's a dangerous thought because it puts you nearer to giving up trying to change your situation. Sometimes you must fight against yourself and try thinking in a more positive way, after all, how you think shapes the life you live. Seek the positive things in your life rather than the negative :)

Oh man, do I write a lot. Don't give up! :)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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I think you need to find a therapist

7 years ago

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Nice train and tbh the sad descriptions made me look more into it the end, hope things get well my friend

7 years ago

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A lot of times I feel like you are describing, I'm working on it.
I hope you are ok as well. I guess, paradoxically, we are lonely together.

7 years ago

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just because sound doesn't exist with no one to hear it.

b..b..but sound are vibration that travel through medium that can be heard by someone's ears (or animal)
so it does exist even if there's no one to hear it :(

7 years ago

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You smile all day just to hide that emptiness...

View attached image.
7 years ago

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But we can hear it!

7 years ago

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I hope you will find your someone. If that is not the case now there are still people that will care about you, maybe a little but still something. They might remember what you said and ask you about it again. Focusing on those little things has helped me a lot, but yeah it might not be the same for everyone.
Stay strong!

7 years ago

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I do hear you, and apparently, I am not the only one.
I cannot relate to what you described because I feel the exact opposite, but at least, your choice of words makes it easier for me to understand and imagine how you're feeling. I don't really know what to say to make you feel better, but I'll try, it is definitely worth it.
You're right to hope for better and to believe, but it won't be enough. Of course there will be someone to "rescue” you one day from your loneliness, but life is too short to just wait for things to happen. You will have to take the first step by yourself. Begin slowly, by learning to appreciate little things in life. Nature and animals can help for this, sometimes much more than humans. When you manage to find happiness in simple things, you will have the perfect state of mind to approach other people, without being afraid. The world can be an awesome place, and you're part of it :3

Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language.

7 years ago

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Nice comment, exactly what I was thinking after reading the "waiting for something" thing.
Don't believe that you are a "half orange" waiting to be completed by your other half.
Each one of us is a unique and complete being, yet we are social creatures.
I would say that it is important to try seeing things from a different perspective, since you are what you think.
You should not think of yourself as being imprisoned waiting for someone to fill your emptiness, that amptiness you feel can be filled by what you have inside you, just think, think, think, always trying to not stay on a unique point of view :)

7 years ago

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I agree that finding happiness in simple things helps to make it easier, but it is only a temporal sedative. Eventually you will need some real happiness, hopefully it shouldn't take took long. A pet is also a very good way to feel appreciated and needed.

7 years ago

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"If you are looking for gold, you are more likely to find it than if you're not looking for it."

  • TJ & Dave
7 years ago

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Nice one. But sometimes it is better to not be looking specifically for "Gold" and have a wider range instead. Because this search for Gold can cause that you won't see Silver, Steel, Diamond...

7 years ago

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In this case "looking for gold" is looking for a partner but I like your point :)

7 years ago

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Yeah, i know, I just meant that looking for a specific kind of person can make you not take into account other possible partners that would also be compatible with you. A comment above yours made me relate this to your sentence ;P

7 years ago

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This sounds like a person that are prison in her own relationship...

7 years ago

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I wanted to write something yesterday but it was late and everything I started typing sounded stupid and obvious.

I decided to try again today anyway tho, putting my shame aside, hoping that it doesn't come off too pretentious and it won't upset you.

It's maybe true that at the core we are all alone, that no one can truly see you for what you really are, but you know what? It's fine, there's no need to be miserable about this.

Love yourself more, it's really everyting you've got, the only thing no one can take from you.

Enjoy your own company and the simple yet incredible fact that you're alive.

It's ok to suffer, it's part of what life is, but it's just a part and you're an explorer, so when you feel like it you can go wander and leave that place behind.

7 years ago

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"Love yourself more", sorry no can do. I hate myself and almost every choice I make.
"Enjoy your own company", again sorry. I feel the worst when I'm alone with myself, tend to go to dark places I wish were forgotten.
"so when you feel like it you can go wander and leave that place behind.", It's not that easy, sometimes it's so hard to leave something behind that you simply can't do it and makes you feel even worst.

Not saying you are wrong or that it triggered me, just to state that it's not so easy as just being positive. Some people simply can't.

7 years ago

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It's not easy, I was hesitant in commenting because I know there's nothing worse than someone telling you "why don't you just try being happy instead?" when you feel depressed.

I really think the only way out is a path towards self-acceptance tho. Your thoughts are like trails in a deep forest, the more you walk on a trail the more visible it will be the next time you pass from there. It takes time and dedication to beat a new one, but if you try someday you'll walk trough the forest and take the new path without even making a conscious effort. That's when the old path will start to grow grass on and maybe, slowly, disappear.

7 years ago

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Please use SG's new region restriction system to exclude certain countries for a giveaway.

7 years ago

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There’s nothing much in life worth living for that’s there, you have to go find it. Be it food or family or friends or love, there will be something, it may take a while but it gets better.

7 years ago

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This train (of thought) strikes so close home that it hurts.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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+1 to all you´ve said, but is it really that negative? Nowadays with all the fake personality feecbook centrism, thumbs up to anyone still being able to express their feelings without the need for posting pictures of new hairstyles or cars!

edit: unintended double-pikachu! :D

7 years ago

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Great train!
Thanks for the chance :)

7 years ago

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Breaking the Pikachu chain here. Reading these comments makes me feel like a lot of you are mounted on the side of a cliff clinging to a vertical wall with your nails dug into the rockface and your feet dangling. Not really sure what else to say. I too don't have a significant other and I too feel compelled daily in my mind, in my actions, and in my dreams to seek out a mate. But hey, at least as the other poster said, I'm digging for gold instead of waiting for it, and so in that knowledge I remain more at peace.

7 years ago

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Thanks a lot for the game! I've just activated and marked it as received :)

I'm so bad I've missed such a discussion... I usually comment and contribute to the topic. This time I didn't, sorry :(

I wouldn't say much though as for me every each day in my life is a bad one... And I've already lost hope it will ever be better.

BTW. What is he question you've described as "question you are avoiding, you don't want to hear"? I might be stupid but I don't know what it is about.

7 years ago*

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