
Another day to try again, but it’s the first volume today... yesterday it was volume 0 this doesn’t really make it a new day to try again, huh... it’s kinda a different game now... so... umm...

I really like cats... uhh ... also dogs... and I have a few horses...
Not that you would be interested in it... but... well you know... I can’t stand an empty description... so... well... yeah... ok... I hope you all live happy lives... I guess... cuz happiness is... euhm... well... it’s... important to be able to feel happy... in life...?.... not that I would know... but I wish u all happy things... and hope your dreams come true!... Yeah!... unless you had a bad dream... that’s possible too, huh... so I should not wish for your dreams to come true,... unless they are good dreams... well... that’s how it should be,... life is complex, isn’t it? :/ .... also how come the average steam account value on this platform is almost 6k... that’s sick... I can’t imagine what I would do with that amount of money... well... I would... probably buy games.... yeah...

Not sure how to feel about this description. It did make me laugh though, so ... uh... thanks. I really like cats as well, far above dogs or any other pets. They are not as needy.
Life is truly complex and happiness is most certainly not the most important thing. It is in fact intended to be temporary. Whatever makes one happy one day may not be enough a week from then. Even achieving one's dream isn't enough because we are human. We will make more dreams and believe we will be happy again when we attain them.
I think its the journey to reach a dream what matters.... so keep dreaming and working to reach them all. Maybe best within the confines of a higher moral standard than the average of humankind ?

Anyhow, thanks for the giveaway, i've been trying to know what's it all about. If i didn't win one with this round of HB SG's, i'll pick it up next week on the summer sale.
And thanks for making me overthink your description =p

7 years ago

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Cats are awesome, they do whatever they want, occasionally give u love and also, not to mention, the leftovers from their hunt!

I was just writing down some of my thoughts so it's not wrong for not knowing how to feel when reading it, cuz I had mixed feelings when writing it :p
But I love it that you took the time to think over it and create such a beautiful answer :D I like to overthink too,
My thoughts about the boundaries in which a human should be able to create a dream to accomplish is that, it's for everyone himself to decide. Whether it's a dream within the possibility to reach or not. But I can see this leading to cases where people will persue their dream knowing they can't accomplish it. But keep on holding on to it too obsessively, which will lead to a state of depression. So it is important to know how to put a dream/your life goals in to perspective. I am not saying you have to give up on your dreams that can't be fulfilled, but rather I want to say that people should keep some of those dreams in the back of their head. Not as a source of annoyance but as a reminder, it's important to know what you want to and dream to achieve because it may define you and your personality. It's one of the things that prevents us from becoming the same. And there is no guarantee that, what we consider, impossible dreams are never to be accomplished.

That said these games are all about the story ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
It's certainly worth it in sale ;D

7 years ago*

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That is very true. Over ambition can be destructive and certainly not all dreams are attainable.
Maybe we should talk about fulfillment over happiness, because fulfillment can stretch over a career, while happiness is momentary.
Or maybe they apply differently to different aspects of life.

In terms of career: Aspirations with realistic expectations can be the best course of action to plan ahead. Reaching a set goal will make one happy, but most importantly fulfilled working towards it and the next goal ahead.
Is a CEO happy all the time having their dream being CEO come true ?or fulfilled throughout reaching that status and working to maintain/earn it ?

Personal life: Finding the circle that works for you. There are moments of pure joy and moments when down, having someone to talk to who'd understand. Those moments.. i haven't befriended anyone in the last 5 years, but i remember moments of happiness being around certain friends.
tbh, the personal part i'm the last person i'd ask.

7 years ago

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hmm yeah, I think that the happiness obtained through your job or career is obtained by working towards a goal. The fist thing that comes to mind is the goal of getting promotion, a higher function and obtaining it.
But there is, as you said, also the happiness found by working to maintain your position. I want to talk more in detail about this one.
Is it truly happiness that one has by maintaining a position, personally I doubt that it gives a higher value of happiness. Certainly maintaining a position or working to maintain it will provide moments in which one feels happy. But maybe it could possibly also lead to a feeling repetition. Of course we have to take in to account what the job is one has, some jobs tend to become more repetitive while others don’t.
That being said I believe one shall obtain the best value of happiness by working toward the goal of your job when one loves his job.
In other words, one obtains happiness by working towards an unfulfillable goal of the company one works for, on the condition that the job the individual has leans towards his capabilities and interests.
The unfulfillable goal of a company could be, to give a basic example, bringing advertisements on a creative and effective way towards the people. This goal is unfulfillable because you will have to adapt infinitely to try and approach it, to never have it even fulfilled. the goal can be approached on so many ways and there is also a factor of space and time involved. What could be viewed as funny and creative in one country, could be the opposite in another. What is creative and funny now could also be the opposite next month, next year, in a few years...
This is why a CEO of a big company will have moments happiness and keeps on loving his job. (If he doesn’t then the job is not suitable for him.) Basically by sharing an unfulfillable goal with the company.
This unfulfillable goal is then again a thing one must be able to suppress when the time comes and the motivation to keep on chasing after it must be passed upon the successor. And so the cycle continuous.

In personal life I too, haven’t made many friends. But I don’t think I would be happier if I did. The few friends I have around me are those who understand me and are people I can talk with to my hearts content. What I define as a friend is a person that I can entrust everything with without having to worry. Shurely they can play pranks on me and all that, but once I need them, they will be there, as I will be there for them. I don’t think I will ever cross with a lot of people like that. That’s why I treasure them and the moments we have, in those moments I feel truly happy. The happy moments I have with people that I know, not friends, are moments that I experience a feeling of artificial/created happiness, while being with my friends it’s happiness that feels natural. It’s strange to explain but the human feelings are strange.

7 years ago

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That really makes me want to push harder career wise. I can't say i'm not satisfied. I afford a decent living, with all kinds of entertainment and can get an AAA title on release from time to time (rarely do that).
Never bothered to push ahead honestly, but now i see no point not going for it. Better pay, better hours and stability aren't far off.
How very odd i never had this conversation with anyone IRL. Making more friends, preferably into PC gaming or not, i'm not uptight or anything.
Yes, i gotta work on some character flaws.
I guess i wanted to say 'fulfillment' over 'happiness' career wise, because i use my job to pay for the life that makes me happy. Why not be happy with the job as well ?

Thanks for this =)

7 years ago

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Thanks ^^

7 years ago

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I thought I sent you to the shadow realm

7 years ago

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Once more we meet, I will keep returning!
The mere Shadow realm can't stop me!
Not if it's about Catgirls!

7 years ago*

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Thank you very much :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks! ^^

7 years ago

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Thank you

7 years ago

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Thank you for this, it's very much appreciated

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Tnank you

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks ;)

7 years ago

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Thank you for the giveaway!

7 years ago

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