I never finished the previous game, Shadow of Mordor. It was fun, but I kinda forgot about it. :( Anyway, this game's newer, and full of loot boxes or something? I dunno. So imagine it's a free-to-play game you had to pay $60 for. Cool! Even Sauron never thought of that trick!
Hey, you solved a puzzle, congratulations! Pretty dumb puzzle, though. If I weren't so lazy I'd write a question in here. But I'm just going to rest my brain this weekend, screw questions...
Maybe bump the topic if you feel like it... :) bump
Good luck! :)
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And I would be also too lazy to answer to your question, my brain is already on rest :D
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I was going to rest my brain with some mindless Skyrim-ing, but it took me so long to finish the puzzle I'm falling asleep. :( Oh well. :)
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I strained my eyes going through half of it picking out the letters before I realized I could just use Notepad++ and regex to remove all the #s. I don't know if I'm dumb or smart. :(
Apparently the game is pretty good despite the loot boxes and I really enjoyed the first game so I'd definitely like to give this one a try.
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Yeah, notepad++ ftw... :) Got that thing open all day long... :)
Well, if you try for it good luck! :) I'm going to wait for a better discount, bought a bunch of crap in the past couple weeks, should probably play one of those first... :)
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any spreadsheet works fine as well :P
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That's what I did too. Regex
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I just pasted it in Word and did "Find and replace" for all numbers. Takes about 10 seconds.
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thAnKyOUfOrTHepuZzLeaNdtHebUnDLeleFtOVeRfeLloWhUmaN 🤖
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Hmm, it's hard to read that stuff, glad I don't have to solve this puzzle... :)
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I was going to write something clever about your lack of a question, but I couldn't think of anything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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you lied to me! you said it was bundle leftover!!
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It's from that Humble Evil Publishers Gotta Evil Bundle... :)
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I'm content with just solving the dumb part. Cheers!
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I was going to put some cheap crap in for this dumb part, but I'm too lazy to make a long chain of giveaways, and besides I didn't have any leftover cheap crap to give. :) Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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Glad I use Linux :p
sed 's/[0-9]*//g' puzzle.txt
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Guess that's good enough to get here... :) But you know how puzzles are... :)
Good luck! :)
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Someone must REALLY believe that puzzles are not a waste of time, since we have 14 players and only 13 solvers? :P
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Oh, that's probably me, checking if the hint works... :) Always thinking I've screwed something up with puzzles, pretty rusty... :)
Good luck if you try for it... :)
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I loved the previous game, so that's at the top on my wishlist. Not sure what the boxes stuff is about, I hope it's still as fun as the previous one.
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I never finished the first game, so this would just sit in my library like all the other games I forgot about... :( Maybe it will be in the Humble Monthly thing next year, assuming they are still around next year... :)
Good luck! :)
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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I'll be very happy when all the gambling nonsense is removed from video games, but it's starting to look like that will require a time machine... :( Too many publishers chasing that sweet sweet gambling money... :(
I never finished the first one, it was fun but I kinda forgot about it, as usual. Or maybe I just suck at that batman-style fighting game, can't remember... :)
Good luck puzzling! :)
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(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Just kidding. Nice puzzle, btw. I solved this earlier but I only get to open this giveaway just now.
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Oh well. :) Every level is wrong, unfortunately. ( But don't forget the other one! :)
Good luck somewhere or other... :)
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The prospect of beating Sauron with legendary and epic orcs found in boxes is very exciting, thank you for the chance.
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Good luck.
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MY eye hurts, wheres anime goodies :P
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Don't despair, there's one at the end of the line... Which nobody's found yet... So if you keep looking, you will have 100% chance to win it... :) Sorry... :)
Good luck somewhere... :)
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ooh, this is tempting! but I haven't played the first one so I think I'll pass.. but bookmarking just in case =P
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I thought the first one was fun, but forgot about it, never finished it. No idea about this one at all... Oh well. :)
Good luck if you change your mind! :)
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Eh, wasn't too impressed with Shadow of Mordor , sadly it's one of my most disappointing wins. The game is quite repetitive and the "nemesis" system is broken as fuck. Perhaps this one will be better? I don't know still might remove my entry later on.
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Oh, bummer... I remember having fun with that game, but it looks like I only played 7 hours. Maybe I didn't play long enough to notice any problems with it. :) Or maybe I noticed and that's why I quit playing, only now I can't remember... :) Oh well...
All I know about this one is there's microtransactions, but since I already paid for it you've got nothing to lose. :) Oh, other than the time you'd spend playing it, if it turns out to suck or something. :)
Good luck if you keep trying for it, otherwise good luck in some other giveaways, somewhere or other... :)
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Eh, removed my entry, still cool GA's for those that are interested and can find them (I assume for the ones I didn't find). Perhaps someone else will be able to enjoy this more than me.
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Let's see, the ones you didn't find were umm, Nioh and a couple visual novels. Not the $2 crap kind of visual novel, hopefully... :)
Hmmmm, maybe you just aren't greedy enough for this place, aren't you supposed to enter every giveaway you find, for the precious +1 and the trading cards? :) Oh well... :)
Good luck in some other giveaway! :)
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I'm a special snowflake!
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Beep boop I am a bot and found your giveaway
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Good work, bot! :) Just a few more to find... :)
Good luck! :)
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Finally, had to write a small to solve this. I think I’ll need a long break before trying to find other hidden puzzles
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Reading the comments, it seems regex was the popular choice. :) Not sure what I would have done myself, probably said screw it, and just assumed all those digits of pi were actually all digits of pi. :)
Not too long I hope, you've got five days left... :)
Good luck! :)
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All aboard the microtransaction express! :) Hopefuly the game itself is not complete junk... :)
Good luck if you try for it... :)
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I'm not really interested in this one, and even so my PC is considerably below the min requirements, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Aha, in that case good luck in the other ones, hmm, I'd guess Nioh would be the same problem, but there's a couple other ones that should work... :) If you find them... :)
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it seemed way harder than it was.. thanks to notepad! :D
now, let's see if I can find that nioh too..
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Next time try notepad++ :) Don't know if that will be sufficient for the rest of the puzzle, though... :)
The odds of winning Nioh are pretty great, only two entries so far... :) I think three people solved that part of the puzzle, though. Guess I won't get any precious CV, sigh... All my profitz... Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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Ah so hard. Cant even find it.
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Don't give up, looks like four people have entered now. So it's not impossible! :)
Unless it's just a giant troll, and I am giving random people the giveaway link to make it look legit. :) Hmm, that's a great idea, I'll have to try it some time... :)
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Wow. I really am a dumb arse.
I even used notepad++. But did I use regular expressions, or even find and replace? No; I didn't think of that, even though I was writing a bloody script for work in another window! Argh.
Oh well. It took me this long to get here. I don't think I have much luck of finding any other puzzles.
Thanks for Skyrim. Er ... Shadow of War. :D
I haven't finished the first one of these either, but it's still installed and eating up precious SSD space, so I'll have to finish it sometime I guess. Or uninstall it. But I don't want to do that. I confess I started playing as the female character in the hope of boobies in the cut scenes, but then the cut scenes jumped back to the male character again. That was some weird sh*t. I don't get why they did that, since the scripted parts were all in-game models anyway, they could have just animated whichever character the player chose. Strange.
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No comment! :)
I think my typical puzzle idea is something obvious that only looks complicated. :) But maybe the rest of this puzzle really is more complicated, I can't remember. :) Guess they are all easy when you made them yourself, you forget you didn't actually solve it... :)
Oh, could you play as a female character in the first game? I always do that, but I'm pretty sure I was playing the angry dead man. :( Didn't even notice you could choose. :( Oh well. :)
Good luck! :)
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Yes, I must admit - this time you made surprisingly easy puzzle. Not that I would complain)
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I think the only "hard" part is the one nobody's found yet, the rest are just time-consuming but not exactly difficult. But I still feel bad because so many people didn't even find this part... Not sure what to say... :)
Good luck! :)
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wtf it was so easy (ಠ_ಠ)
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Sorry about that, but don't despair - there's more giveaways to find! :)
Good luck! :)
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Aaah, lvl5, I almost made it :) Thanks for a fun puzzle, though.
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And, for your curiosity, I solved it with JS:
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Aha, so at least someone wasn't using regular expressions... :) Oh, I guess someone else did "Find and replace" in Word, one digit at a time... Which seems a bit masochistic, but whatever works... :)
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Oho, sorry about that. :) And I don't know if you've found the rest yet, but check my profile - the other Invite Only giveaways are Level 0 - 3... :)
Good luck! :)
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No worries, you decide what you decide, all good. And I am quite stuck on the rest. Nay to Nioh, I guess :D
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I was here.... Probably won't find Nioh tho. Have no idea where to look, cause I don't wanna keep looking at the pi decimals. They make me feel so stressed since I see patterns everywhere and cipher possibilities. Took me way too long to find this giveaway through the simple means of just reading the text.
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Well, there's more than one thing to find, so I'm not surprised that you're seeing things in there... :) But at least you found this one... :) Not sure how so many people have missed finding this, but maybe that's my fault for not putting it in the puzzle category... :) Next time it's a blinking neon sign, or a big "CLICK ME!!!" :)
At this point all the giveaways have been found, so I know it's not impossible... :) One of the solvers even mentioned an additional idea I could have used to hide one more giveaway, but I didn't think of it. :)
And I can't give any hints, so I'll just say if you're not having fun with the puzzle don't feel obligated to keep beating yourself up over it...
Nioh is pretty fun so far, the fighting seems Dark Soulsy, with Diablo/Borderlands style random loot drops, if that makes any sense. So if you like that sort of thing, it might be worth trying the puzzle some more, unless you're just sick of looking at it... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thank you. I'm forcing my way through it atm, we'll see if I'll get somewhere after that.
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So I found it!
But...this is the dumb puzzle? I guess I am dumb for doing it manually unlike other people here with their fancy notepad tech
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Yeah, this one's pretty dumb, so condolences on your solving this part manually... Ouch... :) But I guess it worked! :) Just a few more giveaways left to find... :)
Good luck! :)
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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.
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Hmmmm, condolences on finding the game you didn't want... :) Assuming you already found the free stuff and the pity giveaway, there are three left... :) Looks like one is Nioh, and the other two are visual novels, so maybe you would skip them as well... :)
It seems only seven people have found the Nioh giveaway so far, so the odds of winning are pretty good... :) Guess you will have to decide if it's worth continuing or not... Maybe you will have some inspiration, or maybe you will be stumped and wait for the solution... Good luck if you keep trying... :)
And good luck in some giveaway or other... :)
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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.
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If I had played more of Shadow of Mordor, I probably would have been more interested in buying the sequel. But it was one of the hundreds I started and forgot about... :( Can't say it's a problem with the game, since I don't remember disliking it. :) Most likely I got distracted by some other game, and never finished that one either because of yet another game, etc. :)
Speaking of which, I was finally playing Skyrim recently, then started Elex and forgot about Skyrim for a bit. But then I started playing Nioh, which seems pretty fun so far. Sigh... Wasn't I playing something... Oh well. :)
I'm too lazy to work on puzzles myself, either making them or solving them... :( This one is based on one I was doing umm, last year, but never finished. Probably the idea of the puzzle was better than the actual implementation, but what can you do... :)
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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.
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Hmm, I tend to play one game at a time, I've had the idea of giving a few games one hour each, but it's hard enough remembering how to play one single game... With three I'd probably be screwed... :(
Somehow I keep buying new games before I've finished the old games, which might have made sense when a game was a finite physical thing that could disappear if you waited too long... Doesn't make much sense nowadays, though. :) The clever people who wait until they are ready to play save a lot of money, too... :) Oh well. :)
I have seen the "end" of Oblivion, probably because I ran out of quests to stall things. :) I think Skyrim will happily generate new quests for you ad infinitum, so you can keep playing whack-a-mole as long as you like... :)
Elex felt like a Piranha Bytes game, if that makes any sense. And I don't know what Nioh will end up being, not sure if a Souls-like game with randomly generated loot will get boring, or if it will seem fun to chase the epic whatever. Just haven't played it enough to know. :( Oh, I forgot about Dishonored, too. :( Oops. Never tried Styx, I remember buying it but don't remember why... :( Something with sneaking around I guess? I do like those. :)
Hmm, you mention bruteforcing, which makes me think you worked way too hard to find this giveaway... :( I think a lot of people used find + replace to remove all the digits, which should get you here faster than hunting each character one at a time. But I'm not a good judge of those things, can't remember the last time I tried to solve a puzzle... :(
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Gaaaa, I was waiting to reply until I had time to write something, but I spent a long time writing the puzzle explanation, so now I need to read again... :) Read read... :)
It does feel like a lot of good games appeared recently. I don't want to say too many, but in a month or so I won't even remember which ones I bought, and which ones I skipped. :( Sometimes I end up buying one, not exactly to play, but more of a "I'm glad you made this game, so have some money, even if I never end up playing it" thing. I mean, if we all wait for the 75% discount that developer never makes another game...
I'm not sure what to make of Nioh yet. Am I supposed to be grinding, maybe re-fighting bosses until I get the random whatever to drop, do I just stick with one weapon and upgrade it, what stats do I need to level up, what skills do I pick, etc. And is it like Dark Souls, where getting hit means you made a mistake, or is it like Diablo/Borderlands/whatever, where you're always getting hit? I dunno. :)
In the final giveaway, I asked in the description how people solved it. :) It was interesting to read, especially since I'd never have found it myself. :) Which makes me think I should have worked on the puzzle a bit longer, so people don't need a random brainwave... Maybe something that would lead people in the correct direction, without simply telling them what to do. :)
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After playing more Nioh, it seems like the combat is Dark Souls style with a stamina bar, limited healing items, and "don't get hit" seems to be the way to go. Had a couple boss fights, which felt like any Dark Souls boss fight before I knew what I was doing. :)
The equipment in Nioh is Diablo style, with item sets, equipment having random effects, levels, rarity, that sort of thing. It seems like an obvious combination, so I assume it's been done before in some game I haven't played. :)
Yeah, think I should have taken a bit more time before making this puzzle, I think it was an ok idea, but... :) Maybe I should have put it aside for a week, then tried to solve it myself. One problem that I didn't notice until typing up the solution - the final message can be very hard to read. :( I didn't want a bunch of straight horizontal lines in the "digits of pi" making it too obvious, but I should have looked harder for a solution, other than a bunch of white space requiring people to squint at the message... Oh well.
I remember seeing some fun puzzles years ago, but can't even remember who made them, not keeping up with puzzle stuff any more. :( Guess I should have kept some notes or bookmarks or something... Whoever they were, I hope they are still around here, making puzzles... :)
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