

AGFPRO’s Fantasy Side Scroller Player is a new DLC for Axis Game Factory’s AGFPRO and PREMIUM that allows users the ability to build their own 3D games from a retro side-scroller perspective, allowing users to BUILD, PLAY and SHARE their own custom creations with other AGF users!!!

Using AGFPRO to effortlessly create maps, users will then be able to place features from the Fantasy Side-Scroller Player to customize their own unique side-scrolling games.

Features Include:

Player Start Locations
Player Exit Locations
Enemy Placement
Player Power-Ups – Super Speed, Super Jump, Invincibility, etc.
Player Pick-Ups
Hack’n Slash Game Play
Game Play Mechanics
Two unique Player Characters include – Knight and Wizard (next update will include Sorceress and Monk)
Custom animations set for all Player and Enemy Characters
Each Player Character includes unique abilities
Assets programmed with Game Play Mechanics – Coins, breakable & exploding barrels and treasure chests
Scene-Linking – Players are able to connect maps with start and exit points for endless gameplay connecting as many maps as you'd like!!
Enemy Scalability – choose from nine (9) different enemy Orc's - you can set the scale of the enemy characters!
Custom GUI
Sound and Sound Effects

Get ready for some serious fun and immediate satisfaction creating your own side-scrolling maps to play AND share with your friends!!

This is a DLC product and you must first purchase AGFPRO in order to utilize.

Additional characters and features will be released in future DLC packs!

The side scroller assets and player are locked to AGF and cannot be used in Unity. They are deisigned only to used with Axis Game Factory and the Fantasy Side-Scoller Player!

Please note that the Fantasy Side-Scroller Player does not import into Unity and can only be played on the AGFPRO software platform

Thanks !

9 years ago

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If one of the codes here doesn't work say something and I'll replace. I think I may have used one of these 3 for myself, but not positive

9 years ago

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Hello, the code don't work, It's ducplicated.

9 years ago

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This one is a bit tougher than the others (think it's 3 so far that were dupes). I'm getting a copy, but it may take up to 24 hrs or so. I'll remove the key as sent for now & update when I fix it.

These have been a mess, I activated a bunch of the stuff on my own account (drunk? lol) and didn't update my key list.

9 years ago

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ok fixed & sent

9 years ago

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Ok it's perfect.


9 years ago

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