
My simple 2D pixelart platformer, Goblin and Coins, is 5 years old now. It's been released in November of 2016.

Seems like it was yesterday. I'd never even submit it to Grenlight if not for many people of this community who all helped test the early builds, suggested there's something of value in my learning attempt, and got me on track to persevere and finish... and survive the release. GnC got greenlit in just 7 days, and while it never got famous (56 steam reviews in 5 years) it sold way more than even I hoped... and more importantly, taught me a lot about not just designing a game, levels, enemies, difficulty curve and all that, but also about the underbelly of Steam and releasing a game into the world and all that comes with that.

The sequel is on the way, and you can watch the latest gameplay video right here.

Also, if you're playing ForzaHorizon5, here's a promo livery I made (my first attempt don't be too harsh) 125 423 585

Thank you!

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Thanks! :)

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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