
Cake day? Meh. Clearing out keys from Humble Bundles backed up seven months. The key will be delivered via Steamgifts.

No thanks are necessary, I'm not going to use these otherwise. Better they go to someone who will use them. It's YOU GUYS who deserve the thanks for keeping the community going.

Have a good one!

7 years ago

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Thanks Boss!!

7 years ago

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Happy Cake Day to you! I don't celebrate them either... bad neuroplasticity after my year one ended I think it was... So the celebratory process went from "I can't wait!" to "Never again...".

Won't be doing any more on steamgifts, unfortunately. Just too much pain to bear... (I'm being way way over-dramatic, but it still stings).
It was really my own fault, but I'm still very bitter about the 100 giveaways per day rule that was in effect at that time.. I didn't know! It said I could give out over 600 gifts or something at that time, so I took it literally. It still doesn't show the hidden limitation that I am aware of?

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7 years ago*

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Thanks anyway!

7 years ago

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