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Lol, love the comics. Was a bit slow with this one, took me about 10 seconds :)

6 months ago

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didnt get :(

6 months ago

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There are two different celebrations going on and each has had a large cake delivered. The problem is that the cake with the hidden gunman in it was supposed to pop out at the mafia get-together and slay head guy (in purple). The puppies were supposed to be a surprise for the Chicago Kennel Club (instead the gunman has just slain innocents). The surprised look on the two henchman in the top two pictures is explained - they were expecting their boss to go down in a hail of bullets.
I admit, there were a couple of comics where I struggled to understand. But overall - loved them.
Finally - it depends on your sense of humour too. I can see where some would find this not funny, maybe a little horrifying. Black humour is not for everyone.

6 months ago

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haha i get it now! they are funny for sure, i just couldnt get the part where they are two different parties, got it now thanks!

6 months ago

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Small flaw is that the henchmen seem to know that everyone in the room was to be gunned down and they still stuck around.

If the gunman was just supposed to kill the boss, then he would have popped out of the cake, not seen the boss, and called off the hit.

6 months ago

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I guess that is likely, but the strength in these comics, I think, is the quick realisation, the laugh, then you move on. Besides, they could have ducked :)

6 months ago

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Thank you very much! ❤

6 months ago

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