
i mean i get why snow is white and all but why not just change the color i'm sure the clouds get sick of it too just sitting up there all alone with just one color they're allowed to create all day but again heaven has to be white so they say but i'm not convinced this isn't a form or prejudice against these wonderful clouds i mean oh sure they can be grey or even black when night comes but why not spice it up a bit i think they'd even appreciate it by performing a little better in there jobs for example just look at how well they did on their last test it was abysmal and you know i'm not the one to blame i told them they should chew gum it'll increase their average score by 1% but no one believes statistics and there they are back up in the sky getting walked on by dead people all the time obviously the good ones but hey everyone has to poop sometimes how do you think the clouds feel about that pretty shitty is my guess

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