
I don't think this game is very good, tell me a bad game you played recently.

I stopped playing bad games as I started playing Pillars of Eternity. Thanks matey!

9 years ago

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Gone Home. I know many consider it to be a good game, but I found it very boring. To quote my Steam review:

Builds up the atmosphere of a horror game and never really delivers. What it does deliver is a relatively uninteresting story with characters I didn't really connect with. Maybe I played it too leisurely and when I was too tired to care, but I assume that a better game would do more to pick up my interest and pace.

9 years ago

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It pains me to say but Skyhine's Bedlam... the premise sounded cool (bannersaga engine in Wastelandsetting with FTL encounter system) and I really tried to like it, but it's sadly a totally shallow mess with bugs galore.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Hmmm.... I don't think I have played any bad game recently. I played Kingdom Hearts a long time ago. I'll never forget the disappointment. :P

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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