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Wagon No 3860 on the Community Train 3.0."
Sadly the developer has decided to revoke these keys from Otaku Bundle 12 due payment issues. All 10 copies I gave have been revoked....
At the moment I don't have a solution for y'all, I'm afraid.
This is what I will do now; I will save all winners e-mails, and if I can find replacment keys, I'll e.mail them to you. I'm not promising this will happen soon, or even at all for that matter, but I will see what I can do.
In the meantime I would very much appreciate if you would allow me to delete the GA? If you do not agree to that then please mark it as Not Received.
Please write a comment here on the GA if you allow me to delete, or in an e-mail answer, that helps the moderators to determine you actually have agreed to it.
Sorry for the trouble.
39 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Kertel1991
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I was gonna comment the exact same thing (minus the gif)
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=D A GIF makes everything better =P
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I agree 1000% with you!
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Many fangs! :)
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Unfortunately this has been revoked today. There's a thread about it, it's happened to a whole bunch of people so I guess we should wait to see what's going on with the dev :(
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Hello TCCL.
Yup, seems the developer revoked all keys from the Otaku Bundle 12 due payment issues. All 10 copies I gave have been revoked....
This is what I can offer you at the moment; I have saved all winners e-mail addresses so if I can find replacement keys I will e-mail them, but I can't promise anything on it.
In the meantime would you mind letting me delete the GA? If not, mark it as Not Received.
Sorry for the trouble.
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It's obviously not your fault, don't worry, I doubt anyone's angry with you. I think we should just wait and see what happens. Some people are suggesting that the dev actually meant to update the game and revoked the keys instead 'by accident'. There have been a few saying that recently, sounds odd to me....
Let's leave it a few days and see what happens? I do wish that they would stop devs doing this, it seems to be that they end up having some spat with the bundle people or want a bigger cut than they initially agreed to or something and then decide to revoke all their keys when they don't get what they want. Or it could be that Otakumaker haven't paid out or something. Either way, it's nothing to do with you or me, you who paid for the games fair and square, and all the people who won it on here and probably like me didn't get a chance to even play it yet.
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I don't mind waiting a few days at all, but these things usually stay as is...
You are very understanding, thank you for that.
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Let's do that for now, then. You'll lose the points if you delete it even if you can get new keys at some point and that would suck since you held up your side.
FYI people can't change this to unreceived now as it's over a month old, they would have to contact support, and they're currently inundated with people with the same problem. I'm not sure what happens if it isn't sorted out in a few days, but maybe they will just mass delete all the GAs so you don't have to worry about it yourself, that would seem to me the fairest way to deal with it. I have to say, I'm getting pretty tired of devs pulling this, to be honest. It hasn't happened for a while but when it does it reminds me all over again about how much money I spend on Steam and bundles and stuff and whether I really should find another 'hobby'.
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What?! Another hobby? Never!
Most of the time everything is good, and I guess like me you have spent some wonderful hours in wondrous game worlds? Dont give it up just because some devs overreact every now and then. ;-)
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It's been suggested to me that you contact the dev directly http://www.gagneint.com/itsp/itsp_main_contact.html
I don't know why, I assume he's got some kind of explanation or is giving out new keys that he doesn't want to come out and say 'in public'. I personally don't want to talk to him, I don't even really care to be honest WHY he thought it would be okay to revoke keys, some from a year on now.
It's not going to stop me playing video games per se, but I'm not buying anything else for Steam until this is resolved. I can't seem to find any way to contact Valve but have managed to get a couple of consumer lawyers posting and they say that it's against various consumer laws (in the EU/UK we have the Consumer Rights Act 2015 which also covers rights for digital goods like games). I can't see how it can be okay for devs to keep the 'power' to revoke keys even after they've passed them on to a bundle site and the bundle site has sold them on to the consumer. It's a massive legal issue and for me, I don't feel 'safe' throwing any more of my money into Steam if there's not some kind of consumer protection for me.
I think more people should be concerned about it, really, to be honest. Everyone's games are at risk. People just assume that they are 'safe' because they didn't buy from Otakubundle or whatever, but in reality no one's games are safe. I guess they just think it won't happen to them.
Anyway, try contacting him, I guess.
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Thanks, did just that.
Earlier I've tried to contact the seller (Go Go Bundle) to no avail, simply will not answer at all. Let's hope thes people are better at answering...
So far I have received 5 agreements to delete and have so done with those.
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From them I got an answer almost mmediately, but as they have the same probem with Go Go Bundle (not answering) I don't believe this will solve itself anytime soon...
*Hi Bob,
Sorry to hear this. We're trying to work things out with OtakuBundle (cc'd on this email) but it's difficult when our emails go unanswered. We've offered to replace the 6642 key that were revoked from the Go Go Go Bundle Undated #9 and are still waiting to hear back. We're hoping for a resolution soon.
Michel Gagne
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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Hello again.
Key has been replaced. Check your won page, try it, and let me know if it works.
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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