
The clicking sound vanishes as you enter the next train car. It's dimly lit, unusually large, and sparsely decorated. Just rows and rows of dull gray seats. As you make your way through the cabin, a flash of red against the gray catches your eye. A ragged piece of cloth lies discarded between two of the seats. Looking closer, you see a red cross painted on a white background. Maybe a flag of some sort?
You continue after a moment, and soon find yourself at the door to the next cart. Locked again, but this time there's no room for a key. Glancing around, you notice there seems to be a motion activated sensor at the very top of the door. It's too tall for you to reach, even when you jump. Annoyed, you slump into the nearest seat and consider your next move.
It's then that you notice a large hole in the floor of the car, leading into pitch black nothingness. It's just wide enough for you to slip through, if you're so inclined. Otherwise, you can either try to think of a solution, or retreat back to the previous carts.

You wander through the cart as you try to think of a way to pass through, settling beside the white cloth. Absentmindedly you fiddle with the frayed material, and realize that it's much longer than you thought - not so much a flag as a banner. An idea springs to mind, and you approach the door with cloth in hand. You leap upwards again, unfurling the banner as you do. It takes a couple tries, but eventually the sensor lets out an approving beep and the doors slide open. You saunter into the next car, pleased with your success.

Perhaps we should wave the cloth at the motion sensor?

2 months ago

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Ding ding ding!

2 months ago

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Waving the cloth makes too much sense. Obviously we need to encourage the cat to shred the flag into strips, then weave it into a rope, which we then use to swing up to the right height. This is what point and click games taught me.

2 months ago

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Unfortunately I'm not insane clever enough for moon logic puzzles, so the simple solution will have to do. Maybe next time I'll be able to come up with more challenging ones.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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