
Keys from Groupees.


8 years ago

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Awesome! I really like how Nightside looks in the videos. It seems to be a Command & Conquer in a Tron-Like world.
Wish me luck!

8 years ago

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It gives me more of a StarCraft rip-off vibe. After all, most cheap RTS games try to imitate SC. I have no idea why, it is probably the second worst concept for an RTS I ever saw.

8 years ago

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how could I forgot about StarCraft? But StarCraft also have the organically parts with Zergs and nightside looks like it "just" has technical units.

However, what exactly is so bad about it? And which is the the worst RTS for you then? ;)

8 years ago

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Where do I start?
Terrible balance: it is by far the most-patched RTS in history, with the total changes in the mid four digits levels. It took them like a dozen tries to finally nerf down the zergs enough so you cannot faceroll with them, and even then, two-thirds of the players still only use zergs because they are just too easy to win with.
Terrible mechanics: teching up is slow as hell to the point that you can see most professionals just go for tier 1 unit rushes with maybe a few upgrades. Also, whoever thought that spending several units worth of resources to upgrade damage by less than 3% would be used is beyond me. This is why you see pros always tell you that in SC1, your actions per minute is the only important thing: simply put, the faster you click, the more likely you'll win regardless of other factors. StarCraft, according to its own professional player base, is a glorified Cookie Clicker.
Terrible maps: not only you can learn the handful of the used ones since they lack random map generation, but even the largest ones are so small that in some cases Terrans cannot even reach pop limit because you don't have enough room to build all the depots.
Almost as bad AI as in Command & Conquer.
Single-player campaign design worse than almost anything. It is a classic Blizzard issue, has been in WarCraft 1 as well: they cannot design levels. At all. In all campaigns, it takes about 4-5 levels maximum for them to give up and just resort to throwing in 3-5× the allowed pop limit in enemy starting units and force the player in a war of attrition. Yes, many other RTS games do that, but usually in the last 1-2 levels. The expansions are worse, with the WarCraft II expansion on top, where the cheating starts on the second level.

Granted, as I hear, SCII addressed many of these to a somewhat tolerable level and is the first Blizzard game where some thought process is involved in playing. No wonder most players migrated there.

8 years ago

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Wow, thank you for the detailed explanation.
While we are chatting anyway: may I ask which RTS you would recommend then?

8 years ago

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Ground Control 1, Total Annihilation, Cossacks 1, Age of Empires 2, Supreme Commander 1, World in Conflict, Homeworld. Haven't played, but R.U.S.E. and Act of Aggression are said to be good as well.
Command & Conquer 3, if you are up to some cheesy and mindless fun. C&C always has been the very simple series of the genre, but sometimes it is what one needs. Red Alert 2 and C&C3 are probably the best in the franchise.

8 years ago

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You. are. awesome! Thank you!

8 years ago

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thank you for the chance!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thank's :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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