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What is your favorite moment in a game?

Mine: The beginning of DmC Devil May Cry. It feels so damn badass.

My least favorite moment is when I suck at a game I like

8 years ago

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The Turnabout!

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8 years ago

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Metal Gear Solid 3, last fight of the game, Snake VS The Boss

Runner up: MGS3: Snake VS The Ladder

8 years ago

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The nvidia cinematic when you open ut 2003

Edit: Ha, I only have an answer for the ga I'm not entering.

8 years ago*

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When I finally do what I've been trying to do for a hour!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Entering Mexico in Red Dead

8 years ago

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Just finished this one...

8 years ago

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Favorite game moment? Hmmm. Rough one again. Let's seeeeeee... thinks
That moment you finish Dark Souls?
Oh crap, I haven't done that yet D:

I actually have no idea. There are so many moments that were great. Can't really think of a favorite one.

8 years ago

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Baldurs Gate final with Ascension mod (just thinking about it gives me chills)
Saints Row IV - When Haddaway kicks in, during ship escape
Dark Souls - basically every boss fight xD
XCOM EU&2 - Shotgun killcams
I can go on, if You'd like to xD

8 years ago

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Honestly I have no idea, can't think of one. I enjoyed waaay too many moments in games to list. But I did like the MGS5: Phantom Pain's intro c:

8 years ago

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Not sure if it's my favorite but it's up there and what came to mind first...

8 years ago

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My favorite moment, i'm not sure. Some that comes to my mind:
Skies of Arcadia,when you get the ship upgrade to go above/below the clouds and be free to explore the world at your own pace.
Almost the whole Citadel dlc from Mass Effect 3.
The intro of Metal Gear Solid 4.
Beginning of Resident Evil 2, the way to the police station.

8 years ago

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Tomb Raider, Midas' hand death. =)

8 years ago

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Every time I used bullet time in Max Payne games.

8 years ago

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this intro was so epic and perfect.

8 years ago

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Hmm.... maybe the WYK reveal from Bioshock? It's been a while since I played a really cool game. :(

8 years ago

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The end of a great game and the beginning of something special Crisis Core Ending

8 years ago

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Thanks jbond :)

8 years ago

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This is a toughie, but one of the first one I thought of was this.
Maybe not for the best reasons? But I love it haha.

8 years ago*

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Holy shit LMFAO, I don't know if the laugh is infectious or the video is funny as if, or both, but I laughed so damn hard. :'D

8 years ago

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Haha yeah I've watched this video several times whenever I need a laugh, it's so good. :D

8 years ago

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Dragon Age Origins Battle at Ostagar (i love this game). Thanks for the chance!

8 years ago*

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most/all of the comic/story of max payne

8 years ago

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final fantasy 6 opera scene

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Several moments from Spec Ops: The Line. Too spoilerific to go into detail though.

8 years ago

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