
Clearing out my Humble keys.

I need to make a decision on Humble Monthly. March had a game I wanted as it's big title, April had one game I really wanted and one I took on a whim, and this last month was just the pits in my opinion with one game I only sort of want. But many previous ones I didn't get turned out to be generally pretty good after the fact. Do I decline to get the next month, I have Stellaris (it's pretty decent until you get to the late game)? But then if I do, how much do you want to bet that it's a great supporting cast?

Should I adopt a sort of Pascal's Wager? Given the modest cost compared to my current income, is it not rational to wager on the rest of the games including several I'd like? If I buy, and regardless of it they are good or bad, my loss is finite. Whereas if I don't buy and they're bad, then it doesn't matter. Whereas if I don't buy and they're good, I'm missing out on a great deal on indie games I'll have to wait for another sale for. Like Pascal arguing that the rational human wagering on God existing based upon the finite cost and either infinite reward or infinite suffering, shouldn't I wager on the old white bearded flying spaghetti game in the sky just in case? I don't necessarily agree with Pascal, my personal inability to decide on a divine isn't aided or hindered by any risk or reward and I have the utmost respect for those who can make a reasoned decision on the topic, in either direction.

Anyway, that's a lot of typing, no thanks are necessary: I'm most likely not going to play these games, so you taking them is better than the keys going to waste.

Gifting or trading those always works ^^

7 years ago

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I'm of the opinion that it is always worth the gamble, since HB does a great job of packing a good mix of games into each, with a 20-60-20 split in my experience. 20% I really wanted and will definitely play, 60% I am mildly interested in, have heard of, or could be convinced to play if a friend wants me to play with them, and 20% I will never play, can easily give away without any attachments. Of course those ratios change, but on a month-to-month basis I feel that the price is minuscule compared to the reward - even 1 good game and the bundle pays for itself (2 good games = dancetime). Plus I tend to support their other bundles purely for charity, big fan of supporting Wikipedia through Humble Bundles.

However, if your income doesn't support a couple hundred dollars a year in discretionary entertainment spending, perhaps buy every other month (or every 3-4 months) so you can trade games for those you didn't buy in the previous month(s). I'm sure there are swap groups or something.

7 years ago

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Many of the games from HBmonthly get rebundled and get much cheaper in half a year or so..

7 years ago

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If you can afford it, why not? if you dont like them, you can always make gibs or gift them to people on your friend list :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks :3

7 years ago

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I feel like you're overthinking this a bit :) If it means no burden on your wallet, then buy it. Some of their income goes to charity, and even if you don't like the games, you can make fellow gamers happy with giveaways.

7 years ago

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Thanks for the chance!

7 years ago

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gracias :)

7 years ago

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thank you!

7 years ago

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That's why I hate blind purchases. I have no advice for you, sorry.

7 years ago

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