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Quick poll: is there a thread you like more than the others?

I might be a bit biased but I like the movies thread a lot. :P

1 week ago

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It's a very good thread! I read it quite often, but I don't write in it, as these times I can' be motivated enough to watch a movie. Too much choce paralysis.

1 week ago

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You are the heart of that thread haha. Your reviews are always insightful and I watched a few movies based on your short descriptions, I even added quite a few movies to my list. Keep 'em coming!

(Side note, you've got good taste :P)

1 week ago

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Haha, thanks. And I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. :D

1 week ago

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It's not a bias if it's genuinely awesome and it works for you. (and for others, me included, to read your reviews)

1 week ago

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I like "Guess the game" one, it's quite nostalgic sometimes!

1 week ago

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the best upcoming point and click adventure games one

1 week ago

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I like the cozy games and the upcoming point & click thread.

1 week ago

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I read them quite often indeed, nice gems to discover in these!

1 week ago

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I like to know about upcoming games -- I'm an anticipation junkie -- so I like Tucs' 'interesting game release' thread.

I would have put Doc J's 'upcoming games' thread in the same category but it's not the same without veebles.

1 week ago

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I check out the Cozy corner and the Upcoming game thread every day when I get on SG, first thing and even though the creators of both thread are no longer active on SG, there's still movement.
Tuc's thread is also a cool one if you are looking for new under-the-radar releases

1 week ago

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I peek at Cozy games and Positive thread a lot. I think my favorite are the puzzles though, even though I don't always have energy to suss them out.

1 week ago

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While I miss Rachael, SensualShakti is awesome about keeping us updated with deals!

1 week ago

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Positivity Thread.
Earlier it was Cozy thread....but it doesnt feel the same without TragicBronson :(

Im fine with cozy games with some purpose or a strong underlying narrative. But I feel that is a rarity among the recommendations for cozy games. But I used to frequent that thread because of the events, activity and enthusiasm of the users involved.

1 week ago*

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Any. The site needs more discussion. Sadly most people do not look beyond the short list at the bottom of the page and this is a point of anger for a lot of old hands. They don't want new posts and belittle a lot of people for posting things that have been covered, probably years before they even joined, and telling them to use the search function. Site could use a lot of work and if all the traffic isn't good enough motivation then I don't know what is. God knows the advertisements are getting out of hand. There was one that was just randomly taking up the whole screen but I haven't seen it in a while thankfully.

1 week ago

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Guess the Game is one of my favourites ever

5 days ago

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I like the Cozy corner but besides this i look lesser and lesser into the different discussions.
Not so much time as before (which is positive because i earn a bit money), very bad health condition since many months, playing much more games as before and all in all lesser motivated to engage in the discussions because it give too many times some negative experiences there and absolute no consequences for people that insult or harass over days (info from the mods: Insults are mostly on a whitelist and will not be punished). I prefer not to be insulted from autojoiners, multiaccounters and other cheaters that i can't name because i would be harder punished as them for what they do

16 hours ago*

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