Umm, guess it's a console series. I don't know anything about it. Let's see what the store page says...
From one of gaming’s most acclaimed sagas, Gears is bigger than ever, with five thrilling modes and the deepest campaign yet. With all-out war descending, Gregor Samsa breaks away to uncover his connection to the enemy and discovers the true danger to Sera – himself.
Yeah, sounds like there's going to be a lot of running around and shooting at stuff, don't care. If that's your thing, good luck! If it's not, sell the trading cards and buy umm... Maybe one of those 50 cent shovelware things? You don't get a lot of money from trading cards. Sorry! :)
Hey, did you ever get to NG+ in some game, and discover there was a whole bunch of crap you should have done before the final battle? Because now it's too late, and you'll have to play the whole thing all over again? Sigh.
Woohoo, 100 hours and finally finished Persona 5 on that emulator! Ran great, I was too lazy to install any mods but it looked good enough at 720p / 30fps / whatever.
So now I can skip all the stat raising and just hang out with everyone? But who to pick this time? Futaba? Makoto? Maybe go for the infamous harem bad end / whatever? Oh, and there's a new secret boss fight? And some ultra-persona that resists everything? Ok, let's see, first I'll need... These other personas that I forgot to make. And I'll need to max the social links all over again to make them now.
Yeah, oops. I never saw that coming. Maybe it's time for Demon's Souls instead? :)
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)♕Obrigado★★★★★Thank you♕( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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No problem, good luck! :)
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First, thanks!
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I think you mean second... :) Close enough... :)
Good luck! :)
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Which emulator did you play Persona 5 on? I was thinking about it some days ago it's curious to see it here. :)
I also recently played Demon's Souls and it's quite good tbh. Some few part that i didn't like is, I didn't find some bosses intresting maybe because i played it last on the series. Also level design kinda bored me since there is only one check point on every level. But out of all FS games Demon's Souls world design have become my favorite.
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I think it has to be RPCS3
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Oh did Persona 5 release on PS3? That's a surprise.
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The PS3 emulator - as far as I know it's the only option. Maybe in the future there will be a working PS4 emulator, but who knows? :) I'm betting eventually consoles turn into streaming services and you'll pay Sony a monthly fee to play on anything with fast enough internet. Or if your internet sucks, you'll play nothing at all. :)
I've only played the start of Demon's Souls so far, and honestly it's a bit of a chore to play with the Steam controller. Probably not enough to make me quit, but still... Fortunately for Persona 5 it didn't matter, aside from one small part where I just couldn't get the d-pad to stop sucking. With enough reloads I got through it somehow... :)
Good luck! :)
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Yeah i think so too. I tried PS now it's not really good at the moment. I normally use wireless but for that i used cable internet it pulled me through Bloodborne somehow. :P As i said above i didn't know it was released on PS3. I will check it out sometime. Thanks for the info. o/
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I think the streaming future's really going to suck unless everyone gets cheap gigabit internet somehow. Oh, suck for us I mean. It's probably going to be great for the people selling subscriptions...
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Thank you ;p
Well, I usually try to play the game with 100% achievements in single playthrough if this is possible, so I'm normally well prepared and don't need NG+ :) my gaming politics always was to play the first playthroigh (even with games without achievs) to the fullest, so I don't ever need to come back to play it again, I finished Witcher 3 in one playthrough in 286 hours, I visited every single place, there would be just nothing new even if I try it again ;p
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I could probably reload a save, assuming I can find one close to the finish that is... Don't want to replay the whole end of the game all over again...
Oh, looks like I'm missing 8 achievements, or whatever Playstation calls 'em. :) Really makes me say ehh, screw it. :)
Ouch, Witcher 3, another game I've still never finished... :( Wonder if I'll give it a fresh try before Cyberpunk 2077 comes out...
Good luck! :)
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God, I'm so mad at Sekiro for the boss I missed. I even read the endings guide on the wiki, but I still messed up, because this boss was listed under another ending... Now I need 3 playthroughs instead of 2 for all bosses and the perfectionist in me gets frustrated every time I think of it. Sigh.
Also, Makoto best girl. Also, thanks! ;3
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Oh, hey, I forgot about Sekiro too... Finished umm, one of the endings, then I looked up a pile of stuff... Never got any of the other endings for some reason.
It's weird, I've replayed Dark Souls a million times, but somehow Sekiro was a lot of fun once, and then it felt like I was done. I started a second time but just couldn't continue it. Oh well...
Hmm, I was wondering about umm, what's her name, Makoto's sister, but I dunno if there's any romance option for her. Or the teacher, I felt bad that she kept doing my laundry all the time. :( Oh, and the doctor too, so many different options... I guess it's like a visual novel, but with no option to skip the stuff you've already seen before...
Good luck! :)
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well, it's way worse when you reach the point of no return and are going head to head with the final boss, only to find out somehow you missed a bunch of stuff and there's no NG+ after that...
just endgame cutscenes/credits and a great feeling of not-accomplishment.. :S
ps: played first GoW years and years ago on pc, had fun with it; then the series went full console and I said 'whatever' :P
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Ahh, I didn't think of that possibility, guess it could always be worse... :)
Oh, so this was a pc game originally? I had no idea. Interesting! :)
Good luck! :)
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first one was released both for pc and xbox(360 iirc)
rest of the series was only on xbox though
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No, that's not on Steam, sorry. But I suppose it's all the same thing.
Good luck... :)
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i guess i used poor choice of word :P
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Much obliged
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Not too much, I hope... I mean, the odds aren't going to be very good by the time Sunday rolls around... :)
Good luck! :)
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muchas gracias :3
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No problem, good luck... :)
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oki doki loki
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No problem, good luck! :)
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You know, your positivity made me look like this :D
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Thank you, that's some goofy zooming... :) The dog doesn't seem too upset about it though... :) I guess they get used to it, they will put up with all sorts of nonsense... :)
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I used to have a small pup. I spend the entire week to make him come to me. I am not sure how you can make them laugh tho :D
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Thank you! ♥
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No problem, except I can't make those fancy smiley things, just :) and :( ... Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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Alt + Numlock 3 = ♥
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Thank you! :) ♥☻☺♦♣♠ Well, I had my fun, time to finish replying and completely forget how to do it... :(
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Never played any of the Gears series. But it looks good enough to give it a try ;)
Thank you very much indeed, Kyu! ♫ 😏
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Well, I've never played it either, but it's probably not my sort of game so I'm not going to feel bad about missing it... :) And there's never any downside if it's free! :)
Good luck! :)
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i'm not into gow games but i'm tempted to enter this ga to idle ^^
i think i new+ dead space or dead space 2, and batman arkham asylum. i don't remember any other games, unless borderlands 1-2 and its multiple difficulties counts.
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The store page says trading cards, so just think... You might get a foil... :) Profitz! There's a whole mountain of cheap garbage you could get with a lucky foil drop on release day... :)
Hrmm, never played Dead Space but I did play Batman something something. Didn't know there was a NG+ in it but maybe I just forgot about it? No clue...
Good luck if you try for it! :)
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Many Thanks for this one :)
Good luck eveyone
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Ugh, many thanks indeed... :) Just remembered I'll be saying good lucks all week now. Not my brighest idea...
Good luck! :)
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Ive always done everything before I reach the end so Ive never experienced trouble but I bet fairy fencer f could cause trouble. You need ng+ to get an item but if you missed the parts to it you would need ng++ just to finish and you only get the item at the end of the game so thats alot of replayong the same areas over again
I also have played all the gears game. I never played the full game for gears 4 though so id have to watch that at least before i play this one day in the future. Number 2 was my favourite out of them and my favouritr character dies every single games. RIP Carmines
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Hmm, sounds like accidentally making the same sword twice with Sif's soul in Dark Souls, you have to play through the whole game all over again to get another one... Certainly never did that before...
Ahh, maybe that's a spoiler, but I dunno any Gears characters so it doesn't matter. Rest in peace whoever... :)
Good luck! :)
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They are just someone who is following the main characters (which is why there is the same named person in each game) so i dont really class them as important enough to be spoilers when you barely notice they are there. They are my favourites but i barely know them away from multiplayer. With the type of game it is I can only think of 1 death that would be a spoiler. With how horrible the 3rd game was I barely remember what or who was in that game
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Ahh, thank you. :) Hopefully this one doesn't suck if you win! :)
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Thank you! ⚙⚙⚙⚙⚙
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Say, they look like little gears. Five of them, actually. Clever. :)
Good luck! :)
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Persona 5 is awesome, if you play NG+ you will find you will have way more time at your hands, you don't even realize how much activities you spend on raising stats on the first run. Hifumi is best girl btw, so please make her happy.
If you have a save before the final boss it might be a good stop to make all the missing personas, as in NG+ you start at lvl1 and even with maxed out Strength confidant you will lose a lot of money in finishing up. Small endgame spoiler ahead But fighting the twins in NG+ makes the hassle worth it
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Ahh, she was the Shogi player, right? I didn't really do much with her, but like you say I spent so much time making numbers go up the first time through. Would be nice to skip all that nonsense, dodge the chalk that teacher's always throwing at me, etc. :)
I have lots of saves, but not sure if I have one in the right place to avoid mountains of replaying... I also missed a couple of those umm, gem persona things somehow, and I'm not even sure where they drop. If it's way back in normal Mementos land I'd be so screwed... :)
Oh, you know, I could just check the date on all the saves, and see if any are at the correct day to finish up all this crap. But with my luck I already overwrote the one I needed without even noticing... Whee! :)
Good luck! :)
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Yes the shogi player:)
Diamond personas are found in both palaces and appear randomly in mementos if you missed them in palaces. There is an item you can craft at the bench that makes it more likely that they spawn in mementos, if you wish to go for a hunt:)
Well if you have any save in the last area I think there was a gateway at the begining so you can do some executions, though normal mementos are probably out of the picture now. This game really makes you play like resident evil 1 with your saves, gotta make a new one whenever there is progress to make sure you have a fallback if you messed up:p
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Ok, I couldn't resist, had to check... :)
I found a couple potential saves, one in "Qliphoth World" @ 127:14 hours was too late, couldn't backtrack to normal Mementos land. :( There was a Velvet Room door, but I couldn't use it either. :(
But there was one in the "Mementos Depths" @ 125:52 hours, and after loading that one I was able to walk back up to the normal Mementos area, so I should be able to do whatever farming or other crap is necessary, then replay the final stuff and the last boss fight and whatever I'm forgetting. :) My "completed" save is 129:02 hours total, so a few hours, minus whatever videos I can fast forward / skip. :) Wouldn't be as bad as I thought. :)
Ahh, right, fortunately I did craft some of that item, hopefully they work for hours and not just one dungeon level... :) I'll have to check a persona fusing list so I don't overlook anything else... :) I assume once I've done that I should be able to fuse everything except this guy...
Hmmm, maybe I could make all the required Strength link personas before starting NG+, then summon them one at a time to max that out? Then at level 10 I could pay the too low-level tax to fuse the final one? Maybe I should look for a guide or something, I'm probably forgetting something important and none of this would even work... :)
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To my understanding you use the item than it lasts the entire floor, but you can do a save before first use then if you had no luck you can just load back. Another useful advice I found on hunting the diamonds is that if you feel like you are not gonna get it (crit skills not functioning), you can escape, enter a fight with any other enemy on the level (kill or escape again) then just go back and you can have another shot at the diamond (and you can repeat this until you manage to capture).
Yeah, you should be able to get 99% completion on the codex by having everyone but that guy. And you can do that with the strength (you can even lock them down with the proper skills), though be very mindful to have everyone correctly (I messed that up and override a skill from the lvl9 requirement persona, so in NG+ I had to farm my way up to lvl95 for completion... wasnt so bad though as I did create the ultimate yoshitsune for funsies before ending my NG run, so I just farmed the reaper in memento for a while (which you can do with this guy even at low lvls (I started at ~20)).
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All that info helps a lot, thank you! :) I'll try to sneak in there some time this week, but most likely it will have to be on the weekend... Sigh...
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You can do it, Joker, looking cool as always!
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You were right about that Velvet Room door at the end - I had only tried to interact with it once, and figured they were closed or out of business or something. Oops! :) But I would have had to go back to mementos for those gem guys anyway. :( Discovered this was my one chance to make before NG+ though, which I'd completely overlooked... :)
Fortunately that comsumable gem guy finding thing worked for the whole Mementos, so I was eventually able to grab the two I was missing. :)
That Yoshitsune idea made every battle so silly, just melted everything... I decided to switch in a couple absorb blabla skills instead of reflect, since I vaguely remember some enemies having absorb blabla themselves - no point letting them heal themselves the same way I was... :) Hardest part was getting +3 strength each level up, oh and watching all that money disappear... :)
It's funny, all the Yoshitsune-making made me see all the ways I could have made better personas throughout the whole game, but it's looking irrelevant on this save now. :) If the Persona series ever comes to Steam I'd be ready from the start of the game though... :)
One idea I had was to make a default persona with 99 agility + those auto-boost everyone skills, then switch to Yoshitsune at the start of the fight to make things even more ridiculous. :) But maybe I should see how the the Reaper fight goes first, in case I'm overlooking something important... Oh, and that secret final boss, I'll definitely have to try that once it's possible... :) Maybe I'll only need the fancy final persona for the achievement, and never even use it? :)
Oh, also discovering how much faster the start of the game is when you skip / fast forward everything... :) Hopefully I didn't screw up making the Strength personas, but don't remember when I'll be able to get in the Velvet Room to check...
I wonder if any dialogue will look different now, or if there's any easter eggs or little things you'd only notice on a second playthrough... Like, hmm, how if you play as a "normal" vampire, on a second playthrough as the "crazy" Malkavian you'll notice the "crazy" talk isn't crazy at all... :)
Oh well, time to look for the Sojiro residence... :) Thank you! :)
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Well yeah Yoshitsune is absolutely a beast for end game content that can make all but the secret boss a cake:P (and honestly with the level of BS there you will want to have some BS of your own:D)
Auto stuff is good to start though 99 agi is overkill I think, you can safely have first go with lower as well:) Well you can do certain things differently, you might have noticed some choices were barred the first run due to insufficent guts to actually say them, though it really is just easter egg level difference, no real gamechanger.
While you are at Sojiro, something I read not too long ago: check out the magic Sojiro throws at you, by the animation you can see it is all the same fire, electric, ice etc. you have but with fancy names... even in his skill usage he is copying other people and taking the credit haha
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No problem, good luck! :)
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Thank you! You're very generous😍😍
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Oh, not really, this is just some crap I found in an old Indie Gala bundle. Hopefully the key works! :)
Good luck! :)
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OMG, didn't knew that it's coming for pc. Thank you
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Yeah, in umm, approximately six days. Woohoo! :) Hope you like this sort of thing... :)
Good luck! :)
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Gears 5 is coming to steam??? (and thanks but i'm skipping, i just got the xbox pass for pc thing, and i think it's included, so i don't wanna take it from someone else)
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Hey, do you get trading cards from xbox pass for pc thing? I don't think so! :) You're missing out on umm, I dunno, 25 cents of profitz! What are you thinking! :)
Oh well, good luck in some other giveaway! :)
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I KNOW, i should be a good SG member and enter your giveaway just to idle the cardz :3
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Yeah, I mean what's the point of being here if you can't get your profitz? :) If some fool spends $50 on a game, that's their problem... :)
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I know, silly, WHAT WAS I EVEN THINKING. I must have hit my head.
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Well, guess I need to make a big good luck now... Hopefully I can remember how...
Big good luck? :)
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I have not tried that in a game, because I'm an explorer. But I have tried NG+ where there is now new things to do and explore.
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Thought I was exploring Persona 5 pretty well, even got an achievement for buying all the soft drinks and I don't think I drank a single one. :( But it seems I didn't explore as much as I should... Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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Just an excuse to explore more (or use a guide if necessary). Thank you :)
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Borderlands 2 had something similar with the true vault hunter mode and if I remember correctly, when I played Nier Automata, it also had a NG+ style game play. I completed a second game to complete the remaining achievements to 100% it so that was fun.
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Ahh, I never got into that stuff with Borderlands, thought it was fun but when I got to the end I stopped. Maybe it's more fun in multiplayer or something, but I dunno. :)
Good luck! :)
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If I recall correctly, people say that Nier Automata's true ending is on like New Game+ 4 or something like that.
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It's more accurate to say that Nier: Automata doesn't just have one ending, and the story doesn't end when you reach the first ending. You're not just replaying the same game 4 times over (as you sort of did in Nier for the second half, at least).
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You're right I think. I lost count of the number of times I replayed certain sections of the game to complete the last few achievements.
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Cheers for the chance mate
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Wow, 1000 people already, not much of a chance but you never know... :) Good luck! :)
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