Welcome to the twelfth week of the 52 weeks of Christmas!!!
What is the 52 weeks of Christmas you might ask? I will be giving away a new game each week for 52 week. To make things more fun, I will be asking a new question each week also. I hope that by doing this I may brighten someones week. I even create a group on Steam where you can follow every giveaway(link at the bottom).I hope you will have as much fun as I do with this.
New Week, New Question: What do you think of the regular sales on Pc games around the internet? Do you like bundles such as the Humble Indie Bundle? DO you believe that such bundles should remain Indie only or is it fine to stray away from Indies for special occasion such as the Humble THQ Bundle?
Thanks to clel for the question.
Response: Coming soon.
You can join my Steam group where you will be alerted of all my giveaways, participate from time to time in choosing my next giveaway and even chose which game related question to ask. Thanks :)
A discussion thread will also be open with this question and the old one if you want to discuss it with me or others
God bless. :)
180 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by Sooth
270 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by pb1
87 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by Chris76de
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17,443 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by GeekDoesStuff
Many thanks for Batman, xamon!
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honestly, the bundles usually only serve to get me to buy games that i don't care about in order to get ones i do care about cheaply. whether that saves me money in the long run, i don't know.
it shouldn't matter whether they stick to indie games, because they can run as many bundles as they want. the problem is that it will needlessly diminish the reputation of the bundle makers among people who THINK it matters. if those people would just get over it (not going to happen) then it would be fine.
o ya and thanks for the giveaway
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thanks for the giveaway
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i've got a friend that will allways buy bundles(for reasonable prices) just to have them in his collection. i, personally, dont even look at indie games, so in those bundles have abs no interess. BUT, bundles like Humble THQ Bundle are a miracle. nowadays you don't see companies bother too much for charity, especially(!) if there's a chance that they might not fill their pockets with buck. it's a deal that can not be ignored - great games for a price that you choose, and in that price - you decide what amout goes to charity and what to game company. by doing so THQ are establishing a deeper connection with customers and earns some respect. for example, EA allmost don't do bundles and especially charity ones(except those veteran helps before medal of honor releases). they will fight for every dollar and instead of taking an opportunity to just earn some money on bundles with lower prices, they just stand on their numbers untill everybody even forgets about the game.
so yeah i totally love the idea of buying game packs, especially, if i can give my money to someone in need=)
i suggest you guys listen to new album of Two Steps From Hell called SkyWorld. EPIC!
Have a nice day all!
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Sometimes you get a bundle for one game and get to know others that you may like, I think that's the idea of the bundles. I don't see any problems with bundles like the Humble THQ Bundle, I only think the producers and the distributors don't like the idea much.
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Agreed; if I can get a game I know I'll like for cheap and it comes with other games I've been iffy on I see no problem, big company or no.
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Thanks :)
I understand that the thq bundle can piss off some people because it's not drm free and cross-platform but i think that's a first step in the right direction. Hopefully the next ones will respect the humble bundle politic because it could be a great way for bigger companies to promote their new ip.
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Regular sales are a great marketing device, and also very helpful since money has been pretty tight fore me lately. I think bundles are fine, as they can introduce games that you wouldn't have otherwise played or looked twice at. The THQ situation however is different because they were going into bankruptcy.
Thanks a bunch! Cheers
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Sales are good, the lower the price the better. Labels like indie don't really matter, a good game for a good price is all that matters.
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tnx :)
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Tanks. :)
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<3 xamon0288
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I'm so lazy ...
"We will never do big discounts as it hurts the IP." - EA
"Yeah right" - everyone else
EA changed their minds soon enough.
I don't think there is any buyer that doesn't like discounts and bundle games. Well maybe traders sometimes get the wrong end of the stick. I still have a gift-able Metro for trade.
To the people upset about the THQ bundle not being indie: are you complaining that you got great games really cheap? Let's look back at previous HiB. Shank was in a bundle with funding from EA, Bastion received funding so some could say it's not indie and maybe there are others. But this wasn't the first time that HiB didn't take its name to the fullest. There were 2 humbles that weren't bundles: Humble Voxatron and Botanicula Debut. So basically the only thing consistent about HiBs is that they are humble. Let's hope that rule won't be broken.
Thanks xamon!
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Thank you, xamon0288. I don't think there's any reason for them to be indie-exclusive, althouh I really do hope that Humble sticks to insisting on DRM-free in future.
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Thank you!
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Thanks for the giveaway!
Love all the online sales for the PC, I was pretty much a console gamer until I found out about all the delicious sales and bundles for PC games. :P
I prefer indie bundles, because they're a great way to discover good games you haven't heard of before, but I don't mind stuff like the Humble THQ Bundle either!
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Thank You. :}
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I like that there are indie specific bundles. I tend to try games that I normally would not have purchased solely because they were included in a bundle with games that I have did have an eye on. That being said, I also think that the THQ bundle was a great idea. I hope that the larger title game bundles will be very infrequently offered though. Giving the indies more exposure is important for the growth of gaming, in my opinion.
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Thanks for the giveaway!
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Thank You So much i wanted to play this game so much.
I Think Personally that bundles are very good. I have got the normal THQ humble bundle pack (Without SR3). I think it should not be that often.But they are a great opportunity. I Thank you again and I hope you brighten my week.
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Thank you :)
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Thank you!
I think very highly of bundles such as Humble Bundle, bought several ones already! :D I think its fine as it is with mainly indie titles, though I don't mind the last THQ one either haha
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