On April 6th, I created a discussion to celebrate something great that happened to me. I said at the time that I was going to give more specifics later. So here it is. I'll give details while remaining discreet about some parts for different reasons.
I have wanted to work in a specific field since I was a child. Thus when I finished high school I applied to college in the said field and I was very happy given how restricted it is. I managed to complete my program and then came the moment to apply to a university in that specific field. However, my admission was rejected, despite having good grades because they weren't good enough. So I told myself I could at least work with my College degree. I couldn't work where I did my internship because I failed an entry exam, even if they wanted to keep me they couldn't. Finding a job was very difficult, but I managed to find one at this place and I was very happy. However, this happiness did not last long as I hated my job on day 1 ... let's just say that my superior said things you should never say to an employee, especially the first day (the first time you officially greet and welcome him). I held for many months, but every morning at the office I was depressed.
After this job, I struggled to find another job due to my lack of experience in the field at the time. A few months later, I was lucky enough to enroll in the University for something related to my field. Had I gotten good grades, it would have allowed me to pursue my goal. However, despite my best efforts I fell short. Later on, I managed to find a new job somewhere else. This time I was very happy with my job and the team was fantastic. I met a lot of great people there with whom I'm still in contact today. After a couple of years, I saw a job opening somewhere else and I was hesitant to leave my current job, but I did because it was a great opportunity in my career and new challenges. The team was not as great, but the job was great. I didn't stay long because I was able to enter a university in the field I wanted because of my work experience. At first, I was scared because I had to leave my state and had no income.
I took a leap of faith and got my first grade A (I was happy) but then the other grades weren't so great. I started to question myself and I was scared and depressed. I randomly saw the video JOHN CENA - NEVER GIVE UP | SPEECH | FULL and it made me think and motivated to try again. I did and managed to successfully graduate. Then came, let's call it the final part, to truly work in the field of my dream I had to pass multiple exams and phases. I succeeded in some exams but failed the other 2 times. I only had 1 chance left; if I had failed that, I would have had to restart everything from the beginning and it would have felt like all this time spent and money was for nothing. I had a month to study back again. I again saw a random video that helped change my mentality GHOST EVERYONE. GRIND IN SILENCE. SHOCK THEM ALL. - Powerful Motivational Speech. That and my changing my study method allowed me to pass the third and final time and allowed me to advance to the second phase of my journey.
This is how it felt on the inside when I saw the result
I'm happy that after all the hardship and challenges I endured along this long journey, it's all paying off and coming to an end soon.
110 Comments - Last post 55 minutes ago by DaveFerret
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Bump for anyone who jumped into the train before leaving a hey on the thread
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Thank you for the game
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no problem enjoy the game :)
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Great. What's the field you wanted? If you don't want to reveal it, it's okay. It's just a bit confusing to read the whole journey but not the destination.
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What's a place like you doing in a guy like this?
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I prefer to not reveal it. I understand that it can create confusion, but I just wanted to share the ups and downs of my journey
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It's good to see it worked out. I'm not so lucky, my life is basically over and I'm just 41. Nobody will hire me to do anything and it sucks. Anyway I find other ways to make money. I raise chickens now and bought a few goats. At least I get to stay home, I don't care to go out much.
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I hope it gets better for you and that you'll find a way to make money and to achieve happiness
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It's just life, I've been branded undesirable because I am different. Anyway I keep trucking, if nothing else to spite society.
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I had no idea it was so hard to get into the WWE ;)
Seriously I'm very happy that you made it and I'm sure that with all the hurdles you already passed, you'll make it along the rest of the journey there.
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Thank you :)
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Amazing and inspiring story.
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Glad to see you had success in the end, sometimes i feel that those motivational videos are just kinda dumb, but i also recognize the fact that, when in the right mindset (or the wrong) they can be really powerful, just hearing someone egg you on can make wonders, glad to see it had such an effect on you, reading your post feels like reading a short book, hope it's all smooth sailing for now (or not, if you find that type of life boring lmao)
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Thank you. I rarely listen to motivational videos as well, but hearing those two at that time it felt like I just had to take a breather and try again. They came in at the right time without me searching for such motivation.
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Thanks you, so much for that story, and those videos, I think I really needed that myself.
It's not my first job, but the first one after a long career break, and I am in a similar situation.
Still looking for something better, either things to change here or another opportunity, though I see none rn, specially thanks to my career break.
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I'm glad that my experience and the motivation helped a little and I truly hope you find a better job. If there's something I learned it's that, sometimes great things happen when we least expect it.
Keep doing what you do, keep looking, keep smiling and I'm positive that everything will get better :)
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Somehow I have already started to try taking control of my life.
I stepped outside this weekend, all by myself, didn't even try asking someone (though thought about asking a friend to join a few time, but didn't), just to unwind, in such a long time. I feel so much better, the feel the "unplug" and "go to the dark room" thing might actually work. I even stayed away from my PC for almost the whole day today.
Thanks! Thanks a lot....!!!!
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That's good one step at a time. I'm happy for you. Keep it up and things will get even better :)
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Yes, I'll try taking larger steps. Since I have a job and bills to pay, I can't just "unplug" completely... but will tryin going on a weekend escape, and stir things up a bit one at a time to help my motivation come back... And try to stop worrying about things, like my job, and instead try focusing on me for a little while, and maybe make a rough road plan & daily routine to get out of this slump.
Anyway, I should not take too much of our time. I blabber from time to time, so please ignore me.
So, just thanks again. And hope you have a great day. And all the best, hope you achieve your dream as well!
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My perspective of "unplugging" is to shut down all the negative thoughts from myself and my entourage. All the "you can't do it, you'll never make it, this is impossible, no, you will fail, etc." tend to drag you back and they don't help you move forward. I instead change those thoughts into positive ones "Yes I can do it and yes I will".
In the movie A Pursuit of Happiness (a very good inspiring movie) Will Smith tells his son "Don't ever let someone tell you, you can't do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they want to tell you you can’t do it. You want something, go get it. Period." That's the mentality I use, I "unplug" anyone that doubts my goals.
You mentioned making a rough road plan & daily routine and that's a great idea and will help. I have goals that I want to reach. Everything that I do helps me reach those goals. I know that one day I'll reach them because I have a plan on how to achieve them. Step by step I'll succeed.
Also, I don't mind the blabber and you're not taking much of my time at all. Anytime you would like to share feel free to do so. Also, congrats again for taking those steps and I wish you the best for all your future goals/projects.
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That sounds like a good plan. Luckily, lately I have gained people who are not negative, some even positive. But I have become quite negative (about multiple things, not just about my goals), and my life has become too cluttered and filled with distractions. So, I think I'll get rid of them first.
Heads up. One of thing I am doing is minimizing my time online, including SG. So, I might not reply in a timely manner.
Thanks, that's kind of you.
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