
Once upon a time, a game key was a sacred thing: you bought it, you owned it. Not any more, alas. Keys get revoked these days for no reasons in the world.

This key is an old one. I keep track of these things as best I can, and my records say I haven't used it and I haven't given it away, so it should be as valid as the day I bought it. If it isn't, please let me know and I'll check to make sure there wasn't any mistake on my end. If I can fix the issue, I certainly will.

Oh there is a reason for keys to get revoked. Two biggest reasons is usually Theft/Payment with stolen card or ownership rights change. Other then that it is possible that it was an error on the stores fault for selling duplicate keys. Which has happened. In those cases, once discovered. You usually have a finite time to report the key is dupe and get a replacement.

Since people hold onto keys to either use later, give-a-way cause they decided they did not want them or most common, trade. The keys don't get used for a long time and thus, never verified. Meaning that those keys may have fallen into one of those categories and the time limit to get a replacement has probably passed as well. Especially for games that have been d-listed.

Fortunately this game, while d-listed from steam. Is still available for sale from Fanatical. So, if this key turns out to be bad. Then you can probably contest it still with who ever you purchased it from for an exchange. That is if your list of codes is accurate and you never actually gave the key out. :D

Either way, thanks for posting this game. I just want it for the cards but it seems interesting. I wonder why it got D-listed. :D

2 years ago

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Thanks for the game, chief!
Stay safe and have a nice week! :)

2 years ago

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