If you own the game, so sorry I would have to reroll!
Good luck!
NOTE1: This is a DLC!! Please have the base game to be able to use it.
NOTE2: This is only for people who doesn't has this game yet.
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10,186 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by FranckCastle
how can someone own this game already (as requested in note 1) and also not own it yet (as per note 2)?
also, why would you reroll if someone already owns the base game for this DLC? especially when you then immediately ask that they own it already in note 1?
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Hi. 0u0
Sorry, for the phrase "The one who already own the game I'd had to reroll", I mean that if someone already got this game (normal game or DLC in his/her library), I'd reroll it.
As for note 1, I wrote that because some people has complained that they can't activate the code. (Because they don't have the base game)
That's just a reminder for those people.
And the note 2, is just for the first statement (the one who already own the game, I'd had to reroll it) ><
Sorry if the text isn't clear for that.
Is there anything still unclear or questions? 0u0
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well, someone else already won this DLC, so the issue is kind of moot at this point, but yeah, that reply didn't clear things up at all.
in note 1 you correctly state that if someone doesn't have the base game then they can not activate the DLC. then in note 2 you seem to be saying that if they do own the base game, you will reroll them. these two statements together require that the winner both "own" and "not own" the base game already, which is impossible.
unless you are saying that you only want to give the DLC to someone who does not yet own the base game and are warning them that the DLC won't work until they do own the base game. which would be weird because who would want DLC for a game that they don't own and therefore don't know if they like?
the only other possible explanation i can come up with, is that you are saying you don't want to give the DLC to anyone who already owns the DLC, which would be perfectly reasonable, but not very clearly stated.
also, please note that in this case, the base game is free-to-play and anyone can own it whenever they want with no added cost or effort so "owning" it isn't really a thing.
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Oh ok, maybe my english isn't very good to explain this.
(First I want to apologize, since I'm trying to use google translator to say in English)
My point is:
In case like this, that the game is a DLC
If the winner has already got this same DLC, so I'm sorry, I'd need to reroll to a newer one until the newest winner doesn't has the same DLC.
About the basegame, I mean just as a reminder that, they can't activate the key without having the basegame. (It's not considered into rerolling requirements, just only a reminder for people to know).
Note 1 I mean like this:
「This game I'm giving out is a DLC, so if you win, you need to have the basegame to be able to activate it.」(This has nothing to do with reroll thing)
Note 2 I mean like this:
「This is only for people who doesn't have this game (DLC) yet. If you have this same DLC, so sorry, I would had to reroll it.」(This has nothing to do with the basegame)
So maybe I'll switch both note, or to cancel the Note 2.
Or to improve the notes until people could understand clearly what I'm trying to express.
So if it isn't that much of bother, could I ask you to help me improve the notes? 0 0
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i think my confusion came from you referring to the DLC as "the game" (in the first line of your description) and "this game" (in note 2). it would have been clearer to me if your original description had read like this:
If you own the (DLC), so sorry I would have to reroll!
Good luck!
NOTE1: This is a DLC!! Please have the base game to be able to use it.
NOTE2: This is only for people who doesn't has this (DLC) yet.
i think that is what you were trying to say, but i got confused when you referred to both the base game and the DLC as "this game". since the thing you gave away was not actually a game but DLC for a game it confused me when you referred to "the thing you were giving away" (the DLC) as "the game".
i hope what i have said makes sense to you and maybe helps you in the future.
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Oh sorry, because I took every game or DLC as game XDD
So I'll make it clear next time by mention it DLC directly.
Thx for you helping me clearing out things 0u0
Maybe it's too late to say this, but...
happy new year to you ^^
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i am glad if i could be of help, and happy new year to you as well. :)
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