For some reason this says "missing base game" when trying to enter so that's probably why no one has joined yet.

Though if this is actually the original "No Time To Explain" (rather than the remastered version) I'd give you $4 for it.

There are a lot of copies floating around, but The Humble Freedom Bundle mislabeled the Remastered version as the normal one, so its annoying to find since you have to go through a lot of wrong ones to find the right APP_ID

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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only just saw this reply when I remembered this and looked the giveaway up again (the site only sends a comment notification when someone uses "reply" or if its your thread/giveaway)

No worries, though nothing all that interesting about the versions. Pretty standard even. After a game has been around for awhile a lot of devs will just slap a few updates on it (particularly graphic improvements most of the time, other times literally just packing all the dlc as part of the game) and release it as a new version with its own APPID while pulling the old one. Gets it back in the spotlight, encourages double dipping, and all for pretty low cost.

Sometimes devs are cool about it and automatically upgrade old version owners to the new versions for free (Icy, Bioshock, etc) and others are totally in it for the quick buck and fucking over the people that supported them (State of Decay, Dark Souls 2 etc. No idea what the case is for NTTE though they seem like they're probably in the former category and the old keys will activate both the new and old versions at once.

There are a few rare occasions where the differences are significant enough that people prefer the original (DOOM3 with its darkness/flashlight stuff for example, though both have always been available) but most of the time the new one is just old-game+ and I'm pretty certain thats the case for the remaster here.

Basically, there's not really even any reason to own the old one or interest to anyone other than someone like myself that "collects" games and would grab something they'd never play literally just to add the other APPID so it my acccount shows both the original and remaster edition.

So... yeah, its as silly as it sounds--but hey I'll give ya four bucks if you're interested. Should be pretty easy to confirm if its the right version by checking what you got it from.

7 years ago

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