
Today is my birthday and I'm definitely not happy about that.
Like every year, I turned off my phone and I'll try to be as quiet as a dead mouse, but like every year, I smell a trap and I'm sure someone will come and drag me at the restaurant, even if it's well-known that I hate restaurants. "Hey, today is your day, let's do something you don't want to do, it will be fun, for me/us at least !". Yeyyy.
Please, if you are merciful, finish me.

It's a bad day for me, so here are meh-to-bad games for you ! :3

thx for chance. game is my wl. have fun at the restaurant u hate. lol

7 years ago

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Thank you :'(
And good luck !

7 years ago

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I'm a fellow birthday-hater. For some reason I always have seriously bad luck around my birthday, to the point where the entire month just makes me feel anxious. (This year my laptop broke, last year I got a phone call telling me I needed surgery...yeesh.) The one bright side is all the kind, well-meaning messages you get that day. Hope your birthday sucks just a little less than usual this year.

7 years ago

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Thank you ! :p

No bad luck here (or at least no more than usual). It's just that I don't get the purpose of the celebration of a birthday. When you're a kid, a birthday can be nice, with family, friends, presents, it's like a second Christmas (though I remember that I would have prefered getting the presents in the mailbox and no see my uncles, aunts, etc, even when I was 10).

Now, that's a day like all of the other days. I can handle a little text, but I'm not okay with a celebration in a restaurant or else, and getting gifts. Maybe at 30, 40, 50, I can understand the point, but not every freaking year for every freaking person. It never stops...

7 years ago

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Do your friends know how you feel during these things? Often it's just a way finding an excuse to have a 'nice' time with you and give you something, and they may not know how it makes you really feel. I agree with the sentiment that something over the top (and what this is varies between each person) is too much every single year though.

7 years ago

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They definitely know that I'm a grumpy cat who dislikes approximately everything people usually like. They just can't accept that sometimes :(

7 years ago

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gw2 dye kit pack

3 years ago

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You are a sweetheart, thank you very much <3
Though the code doesn"t work for some strange reason. Bah, pretty sure I would have gotten the cheapest dyes anyway.

By the way, the new gift is here : the Heroic Edition, which is the base game without the free-to-play restrictions, and some other goodies. This code may be a bit valuable as you can use it as a secondary account to get a bit of gold through the daily reward and to use it as storage.

3 years ago

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thanks, i wanted to know about it!
would you like this get code?

3 years ago

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Well, at least it's supposed to be the Heroic Edition (the description says so), but it may be a mistake. The Heroic Edition is a relic from the past, it was sold years ago but no more now that the base game is F2P.
We'll know in about 3 hours, if the next daily chest reward spawns or not for these accounts.

I sincerely hope it's not Heroic Edition, as some people will get as many accounts they can, thousands and thousands if needed, to connect them all daily and quickly get money. Economy will be hurt.

Edit : if it's truly the Heroic Edition, I then may be interested for that bit of extra money and possibly some extra storage. I'll have the answer in a few hours or tomorrow and join you then. But if so, I'll give you something back, I won't take that for free, it's somewhat valuable. I was considerating to use the free trial of Prime for that actually.
Thank you a lot for asking <3

Edit bis : Also for the dyes kit pack code, I might be wrong or have dreamed, but I remember that you gave the code on some orphan key topic. That would explain why the code doesn't work anymore.

3 years ago*

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Heroic Edition indeed, it seems that the daily chest has spawned.
So basically it's the core game (no expansion) without the F2P restrictions of the new Standard Edition (meaning you can trade, you can chat, you can use the teleports and you get the daily rewards).

If you want to try the game or have a friend who could be interested, keep it, the game is quite good. Though it's the base game only and you'll miss a lot without the 2 expansions (3 soon).

If you REALLY don't want it, I for sure can get it as a secondary account for storage purpose and the extra gold (about 1.2 to 1.5 gold per day, which is not much but for two minutes of logging, it's worth it). I can give you one TF2 key for it instead of getting it for free, if you are interested by those, so you can add me on Steam. Also you might want to wait, maybe you'll see some offers for it the next few days.

I have to go to sleep in any case. Take care !

3 years ago

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