

This is the first time I joined the community !

My gift for you

Good Luck

P/s : add me lionpeach on steam , i add winner only :)

Joker : Nervoz

Let's go

Please add me on steam for easy communication

Steam ID : lionpeach

1 decade ago

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So, my joke for you:
Ironman was sad because he was called a woman, but he could not understand the reason. So he asked Jarvis to explain it to him, and this is what he said: "The symbol for iron in the periodic table is Fe, and the actual name for men is male. So Ironman makes FeMale, which means woman." Hehe, get it, FeMale... :D

1 decade ago

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Two snowmen are standing in a meadow. One snowman turns to the other and says, "Do you smell carrots?"

BTW: I have 5 dotA2 gifts and Oniken 1 Key. If for someone need it i can gift it away.

1 decade ago

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I can take those DotA 2 gifts :P

1 decade ago

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I can take the Oniken Key.. If you want :P

1 decade ago

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"Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a gun shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says "OK, now what?"

And a Christmas joke :

"One Christmas, Santa was having a really bad day. The local elves union was up in arms over their contract and were threatening a walk-out. Mrs. Clause was pissed that Santa was never around to appreciate all of the hard work she had been doing around the house. Santa decided he needed to go home, sit in front of a fire and relax.

When he got there, Miss Clause was all up in his face and wouldn't let down. Then, there was a knock on the door. It was Rudolph. He said the reindeer were sick and tired of Santa not upgrading to the new lightweight sliegh and they were joining the elves walkout. Santa slammed the door and threatend "The next person who knocks on that door is gonna get it!"

At that time, there was a knock on the door. Santa flung the door open and there stood a tiny little angel. The angel had been searching for the perfect Christmas tree for Santa's house all day long, until it found the perfect one. The little angel asked, "Santa, I was wondering where you would like me to stick this tree?"

And that is the story of how the angel atop the tree tradition began."


btw. thanks for the giveaway

1 decade ago

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Niece asked about where do babies come from
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ
so i filled her in.

1 decade ago

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So I have a friend living in North Korea, I asked him how it was living there. He said: I can't complain.

Last time in China a made a balloon trip. So after 30 min I flew above Hong Kong. Then I screamed LONG! And watched all the people down there looking around them wondering who called their name.

A Christmas joke:
Q: Where does a reindeer buy a new tail?

A: In the Retail Store.

I actually love Christmas more then Saint Nicolas. Because, (I don't know how it is in other countries), the Saint has black people who helping him. Those "helpers" are actually climbing on roofs into your fireplace to deliver the presents. So every year when the day comes that they deliver gifts, I'm sitting in a corner with a candle light with lots of coffee because I can't feel too comfortable with the fact that black people trying to sneak in your house.

1 decade ago

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so this like this : me and me girlfriend what talking about bananas , and banana whas really bad so she sad if we eat it it anyway going be black , in siviet russia banana eat u , so i dont really what this game i only whant to joke thx )

1 decade ago

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Um … You DO know what's expected of you by creating this giveaway?!?

1 decade ago

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I don't get it ? what do u mean ?

1 decade ago

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He's basically saying that this better be a real giveaway and not a fake one. ;)

1 decade ago

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-.- i thought ppl should be happy to get a give away not doubtful and bashing on me like this ...

1 decade ago

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The doubt comes from the fact that giveaways started by really new users are often fake.

1 decade ago

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You created a giveaway with a game that you even don't have it in your library. I'm pretty sure it's fake.

1 decade ago

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My gift for you

He/She knows.

1 decade ago

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thanks lion dota 2 for you

1 decade ago

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I got that one already :D but thanks :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Thanks :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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thanks (: welcome to the club!

1 decade ago

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Thank you!

1 decade ago

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I have the game in my gift inventory :) so please be kind , this is my first time give away

1 decade ago

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I don't see it in there

1 decade ago

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Private inventory

1 decade ago

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Thank you

1 decade ago

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Wow, such a classy introduction you make! :] Thank you so much for this generous giveaway, welcome to Steamgifts, hope you enjoy your stay! ^^

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Thank you for the giveaway!

1 decade ago

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Gratitude for the chance.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I want the game so badly T_T Thanks for the giveaway

1 decade ago

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If any of you guys win please add me lionpeach , so i can send you gift , or message me

Thank you

1 decade ago

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You better add this to the description, not everyone will read as far as this. :)

1 decade ago

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this is one of the best giveaways at the moment,so thanks a lot lionpeach :)


1 decade ago

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Thank you!

1 decade ago

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Thank you!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Thank you very much!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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