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당첨자분은 게임을 스팀에 등록후 리시브 체크해주시기 바랍니다
당첨자분이 최근에 SG규칙 위반사항(중복당첨, 당첨게임 미등록)이 있을 경우 SteamGifts에 신고해서 재추첨하니 엔트리를 삼가십시오
만약 키에 문제가 생길 경우 삭제 동의 해 주실분만 엔트리해 주십시오
-Thanks fot ITCM 토비네타 님

-Cautions -
Winners should register the game on Steam and receive the check
If the winner has recently violated SG rules (duplicated winning, not registered for the winning game), please refrain from entering the game by reporting it to SteamGifts
If there is a problem with the key, please enter only if you agree to delete it

  • Translation Papago

Thanks a lot :)

1 year ago

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