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One final bump!

Actually, I am afraid of the end of this train, because then the real works starts....^^

well, we'll have almost all weekend to sort things out xD

5 years ago

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Frightening thought, all the checking and sending. The most I ever gave away was a few months ago (about 75 gifts). I found it really stressful, but surprisingly it only took 2 days (I had a weekend free so that helped).
You can do it (just do it in batches and do other things in between).

Alot of you contributors have been extremely generous. Any winner who starts to whine about not getting their game in the first day or two should be given a stern talking to by a mod :)

5 years ago

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Thank you, have a nice weekend!

4 years ago

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Have fun with the game and a great weekend! :)

4 years ago

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