
Welcome aboard the first wagon of this amazing train. I'm thrilled to have you on board. Each wagon will have a discussion question so we can engage and know each other better. Feel free to engage in the conversation. Each wagon will also have a fun fact

Discussion Question:
What’s your favorite game to play, whether it's a board game, video game, or even a classic like cards?

Fun Fact:
Did you know that the longest train ever recorded was over 7 kilometers (4.35 miles) long and had 682 wagons? It was operated in Australia in 2001! Source

Cart #979 Previous BUMP Next

Sub-cart 979.1

there are supposed to be no region restrictions in the train

2 weeks ago

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I completely forgot about this rule. I'll delete the two affected giveaways and replace them.

Edit: Since many people entered the giveaway, I decided to instead keep the giveaway and create two other no-region restrictions games. Thanks again for the heads and sorry for anyone who can't enter the first and second wagons. I hope you'll still enjoy the ride and find something interesting

2 weeks ago*

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Thanks. Maybe update your comment to link to the replacement as well

2 weeks ago

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All giveaways should link to the same place. If it creates confusion or receives I'll change the comment. Thanks for the heads up I'll keep it in mind :)

2 weeks ago

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Can you link the correct giveaway as this cart, and make this one a sub-cart please?

2 weeks ago

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Hello Mayanaise,

I've changed the links as requested and I hope I didn't mess up anything. I've also asked Carenard if he could modify his link.

2 weeks ago

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Sorry, my bad.

2 weeks ago

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For video games I go back to either Doom or Starcraft from time to time :)

2 weeks ago

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Starcraft is really good. I'm still hoping they make a starcraft 3

2 weeks ago

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Recently I have been trying to beat 7 computer AIs on The Hunter as Zerg, but it's extremely difficult...

2 days ago

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thought about it for a while, but my favourite game has to be football

2 weeks ago

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I enjoy a lot of sports, but I've always had difficulty watching or enjoying football. I sometimes watch a few games, but it's not something I'm particularly interested in

2 weeks ago

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Haven't had a chance to play it in a while, but a card game I love to play is The Crew Mission Deep Sea (the first one is god, too, but this one has more replayability.)

2 weeks ago

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Maaaass Effect \o/

2 weeks ago

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Cart 979 is the busiest place to be on the train right now!

W00t w00t!

Just a note though, I have the original game and ALL the DLC this edition offers and can still enter this GA.

Maybe check the winner so that it gets a loving home instead of causing problems :)

2 weeks ago

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Thanks for the heads up. I'll check the winner

View attached image.
2 weeks ago

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Personally my go to game is the Binding of Isaac. I have a soft spot for roguelikes and that was the game that started it all.
Thanks for the giveaway!

2 weeks ago

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Video game: Fallout series

Board Game: Settlers of Catan

Card Game: Euchre

1 week ago

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