I hope you read my description on the page you used to (hopefully) get here.
You may enter freely, but remember - if you remain at the end of the giveaway, I will add you to my blacklist.
Winner can remove themselves with a playthrough and a review that meets a satisfactory approval by myself. At my discretion.
262 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by stertyr
163 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by Wolveruno
19 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by KjaerBeto
16,703 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by wigglenose
126 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by Superefg
48 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by wigglenose
1,215 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Carenard
79 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by Fluffster
390 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by BlackbeardXIII
77 Comments - Last post 38 minutes ago by Kappaking
17,427 Comments - Last post 56 minutes ago by gonsi
8,477 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by crez3088
14 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by AllTracTurbo
221 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by zkndlin
This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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I'm doing alright I think... Not so great, but not as bad as could be. Just have to deal with what we have, and try to make the most of that, I suppose.
Oh and, you meet requirements to be safe anyway, since you're already on my whitelist. Immunity is yours. Unless you'd like me to remove you so you can challenge the blacklist... :P
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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That's a sad surprise since you are one of the most admired Support-Staff members I can think of.
I don't know why you quit, but it's truly a great loss for SG-Support.
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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You're a gentleman and master of understatement by all means, and I think this adds immensely to your positive appearance. ;)
Yea I forgot that you have to deal with suspensions, and this certainly causes a bit of frustration among the involved users. :/
But you're right, the remaining Support-Staff does a splendid job.
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You handled it as professionally as one could. I also thank you for being a really amazing upstanding member of the community here, since I first "met" you... One of my favorites around! Love some of your great commentary, support or not. Thanks for your service there though, as you answered a few of my own tickets in a matter minutes! Overall, support has been really good since new uesrs jumped in... most of whom I was at least slightly familiar with, and knew they were going to be great additions, much like yourself.
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That's really too bad that people can't make the distinction between the user and his role as a support member.
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.
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Yeah, it's really arbitrary. Making my first and only train earned me 4 blacklists. /shrug.
I've since learned that you can hide the stat, and I've been happier as a result. :)
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My heart will go on.
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You are safe! Noticed you whitelisted me after checking, so that's good enough for me. Maybe I removed you for some reason, if you were on there... or maybe you just simply had me on there from another time. Your heart will indeed go on regardless! Welcome again to my own hearts if you weren't on there before now!
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I remember we've already spoke about this game. Thank you for this new chance ;)
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You're welcome! Pressure's off! ;)
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My mind's tellin' me no, but my body, my body's tellin' me yes!
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The candy drawer is locked, but you can still open it. ;)
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I've never seen this game. Looks neato, thank you :)
The evil part of me kinda likes this event. You know, I've always wanted a better use for the blacklist. I want to be able to make blacklist giveaways or something. Like, for uh, Red Dead Redemption 3 here... XD
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Haha good stuff :D Blacklist giveaways would be so much fun.
And yeah, it's true, "Evil Genome" looks nice but it feels too bad for me to participate. Too risky as well. I just don't wanna be blacklisted by the candy master himself.
I will resist. :)
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Yesssss. We would find the true use for Bad Rats!
I think if anyone blacklisted you it would weigh down on their conscience ;) But I am impressed by your self-restraint! I wish I had that...
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Aww thanks for your kind words. But I'm not special or something, it's ok if someone feels the need to blacklist me, I just don't wanna be blacklisted by peeps I actually like. So please, don't put me on your holy blacklist, my dear PoulpeP. :D 💙 That would really drag me down.
I know it's really tough these days to not click on stuff you like. Clickbait is literally everywhere. :o
Good luck! Maybe you can lift yourself later from the BL by playing and writing a review.
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This message may or may not self-destruct. Depends on if you get... diabeetus from opening it.
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lol :D
holy candyshit, evil diabeetus is after me? Nooo :/ please spare me.
But who can resist the sweet temptations all along? :p
Sorry Fabsy, I don't get the reference right away. Yeah I'm aware of the drama with advertising curators on SG, but I never lose my hope. SG guidelines propably need some slight adjustments and I'm sure it will be done eventually. Everything will be fine in the end. at least that's what I'm hoping. Fingers crossed
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Anyway, you meet that requirement. I'd say more, but I can't spoil the sweets! Or maybe I can, and I am!
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Oh my god, that's what you meant?! lol..silly me. Thank you, Fabsy. ♥
But it still feels bad to participate. :O
Oh my sweet candy, don't be so hard on me. I must resist! :D
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No, I will not! Sounds like a great game but no! I shall resist!
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Have you played it since it came out of EA? Did it improve?
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I haven't played it... sadly. I haven't done a lot since I'm so backlogged, not just with things I want to play, but with a lot of curations I snagged up I'm trying to get a review in for... so I'm way back, but catching up a little bit. Always busy with a review game or three though...
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Oh, I could have sworn I saw a review of it by you from when it was in Early Access.
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Yeah, I meant that I hadn't played it since the first review back when it came out... But yeah, I do have a review out there, but sadly haven't gotten back to playing it yet.
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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.
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Hmm... That's tough. I'll get some numbers in a sec. Immunity status can of course change if others find the golden ticket too!
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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.
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So far out of 52 entries:
24 are in danger of being blacklisted. Out of those 24, 7 are on the bubble, meaning, they almost meet total immunity requirements, but it's yet to be determined how we will present golden tickets, and Get Out of Blacklist Free cards.
That's the latest news! Took a bit of researching, since my process of elimination is kind of elaborate. And I just can't spill the jelly-beans!
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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.
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I am quite mad... indeed. ^____^ A good kinda mad or a bad kinda mad, or maybe a mixture of both.
I'm just bi-winning regardless (and yes... I'm bi-polar too... I know - major shocker). I must say much credit goes to Charlie Sheen as an inspiration! The memories just hit me, and I decided it was my time to start winning!
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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.
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it may mean, he have to have a 'line' and a 'working girl' in a reach of a hand :D
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;) somebody has been studying!
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You say its simply and maybe I am just stupid. But I don't understand how this giveaway is going to work?
You say that by the time the giveaway ends everyone who is left standing is blacklisted. But someone can win. Will we be blacklisted after receiving key or?
Sorry English is not my primary language so I'm not sure what you mean by it.
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As far as the winner goes: they will get a key, and they can also choose to play the game, and write a review of it. If I can see a link for their review and also a screenshot that shows they finished the game, or maybe some steam achievement proving it is beaten... then I will remove them from the blacklist. Everyone that enters will be blacklisted once my giveaway ends, unless they meet requirements I have made, but they are secret. If they were not "immune" according to my requirements, then yes, upon receiving key, they get blacklisted also. If they do the above review and play the game, they will be removed, as long as the review is a real and honest review. Not one sentence or something... for instance.
So, if somebody joins, and wants to leave giveaway later, I will not be adding them if they are no longer in at the end. Only people not meeting my requirements at the end of the giveaways, once the time is up and it is over.
If you were on my whitelist, you cannot be blacklisted, so they have a free chance. Everyone else will have to either rely on luck and hope they win, or meet those secret requirements I have. Entries not meeting any requirements I have will be added to my blacklist, and cannot join any more of my giveaways, until a day comes I decide to remove everybody off.
Let me know if that makes more sense!
But yeah, in short, they're blacklisted until they provide play information and a review. :D You can still send off a key to somebody and blacklist them after. They cannot respond on Steam through giveaways, but can still write on forums (like the one I have), or can friend request me after the giveaway, if they wanted to send some stuff through Steam instead to get around the whole blacklist communication problem - since there is no way to respond without forums. That's acceptable also - just showing the finished game and a review on the forum page, or anywhere I've created a discussion.
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Okay sounds interesting.
And thanks for the detailed information. It really helped me getting explained properly.
I will keep watch over your giveaways and join if a good one comes up. I will add you to my own whitelist since what you are doing is interesting.
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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.
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I will just join this one. No risk, no fun :)
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Will be writing a review for this game if I manage to win it. Awesome giveaway and the trial u are doing :P
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B-B-But you .... you're immune! I'm kidding (not about being immune, as you are, but I'm happy you plan to write something if you win). Always nice for the developers, and steam community as a whole, if we can give some feedback!
That's kinda why I got so sour and salty about them removing the curation links from steamgifts recruitment and forums pages in general.
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Why would steamgift remove the curator link? Its not like its harmful or jebaiting others but it actually give the readers some sort of game enlightenment. They would at least get the grief of the game and instead of headlessly went into it and dislike it.
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I'd love to play this game but i don't wanna be Blacklisted so i'm just gonna skip this one.
I hope the winner enjoys the game
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Have no fear! You meet a special requirement after doing a check over some things... You're safe from the blacklist.
Added to my whitelist as well, for ... well... reasons! Karma? Yep, karma has shown itself!
So, you pass on several fronts - no problemo, if you feel the desire to still join up for this giveaway.
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Now i'm curious about what this Special requirement is... but Thank you 💙
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Well, being on my whitelist now, for one. ^_^
Next giveaway is live also! There are some results on what went on for my overall determinations too, but I cannot reveal my requirements. I think I may not ever be able to... since it's probably against steamgifts' terms, technically. I'm not allowed to do what I'm doing, but I'm using a backdoor way to do so... so I can be breaking a rule set in motion, while not truly breaking it, since it's not known to the public for what reasons somebody may or may not join a giveaway of mine. ;)
Hard to explain... sorry, but that's at least part of one requirement. Some are not too technical though. Wish I could say more! But that would ruin all the fun for the big after-party once I fill that list up totally! I wonder how many games it'll take... and if I should make the time lengths shorter... to get the party really rolling! I only got 60 blacklisted out of 121 entrants. Well, I guess that's half. Not too shabby, but I expected to do a little better, and have higher numbers to work with...
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I had a little poem written, about drama, karma, (virtual) life, troubles ahead and carefree future.. but the browser crashed and I couldn't remember exactly what I wrote. Then the day passed, forgot completely by then.. Anyhow, it was among those lines-words..
(Still don't know if I'll enter or not..)
Than Kiou for the chance though..
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Onto the next! :D
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i dont know if a blacklist is worth the chance. but i'll try anyway
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You meet a requirement currently that gives you immunity, so no worries!
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Next giveaway is up, plus results of the previous! ^_^
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You're welcome! Let me know if you ever feel the desire to play it in depth and/or review! I'm not too concerned, but originally, developer asked me if I could put the word out to get some feedback on them, or a review. No pressure though, since you are already on my whitelist!
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I'm on it!
Downloading it right now, will play durning weekend, as I have exams this week.
Will update you on this :)
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Hello, so I've played that game for a short time. I found it to be quite interesting. Graphics are cool, gameplay is interesting and story is engaging as well. But I got quite a bit of fps drop during combat, which would be fun, if I had controller :D
Over all game is fun 2d, looting, with rpg elements. It's one of those games that I will comeback to, when I get a controller, because without it, it feels like I'm just not getting full experience.
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Cool! Thanks a ton for the update! I should also get back to it again, since it was pretty early in development when I last tried it...
I hope they built on some of the core pieces that felt like it held it together, though some of the translation and voicing was pretty funny. My review's a bit of a trip to read over in spots...
Enjoy when you have time to play it, if you want. No worries on anything though. I didn't blacklist you, obviously. :D
It's up to you if you'd like to add the review. Developer asked for some feedback, but it was a long while ago. They still may appreciate it, at any rate though!
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I feel like my review wouldn't be on top, as I played it only for a bit. But when I come back to it, I may add it then (That is, if I wont forget, but I probably wont) :D
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