
CART 200

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I promise i did not do that to have the 200th cart....maybe
I also promise to not mess with the alignment of the links to avoid mass clicking on previous/next links......probably

Edit - Nevermind! Still need 12 hours before I can post the links due to the active rule.

2 weeks ago*

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what active rule?

2 weeks ago

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The GA cant start in the future when you try to link it to the Train.

2 weeks ago

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Why did you set it to start later?

2 weeks ago

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When I made it yesterday I initially set the start date as 1 day later so as to not run into an issue of not being able to create a GA since I had crossed the starting time. The plan was to set it back before actually creating them but I kinda forgot about and hence this result. :(

2 weeks ago

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Aaahhhh. Yes, I see how that would be an issue. Thank you for the explanation.

2 weeks ago

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This game looks pretty cool, but I had to laugh at this:

In this thrilling political strategy, you will appoint ministers

I am pretty sure no one has ever described appointing ministers as 'thrilling' before.

2 weeks ago

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I admit it's exaggerated xD

2 weeks ago

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2 weeks ago

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Done !

2 weeks ago

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