
A conspicuous whiff of that marvelous herb,
An appetite for which no kitten can curb

In the twitch of a whisker off hunting I went,
To track down the source of that tantalizing scent

The telltale aroma - the potent perfume,
Of Nepeta cataria, (catnip) oh luscious legume

And there on the floor at the foot of the banister,
Its lid by its side, lay an overturned canister

‘Twas whatever it was that I just barely bumped,
And now on the parquet its contents were dumped

‘Twas a huge minty mound of delectable leaves,
Far better than mistletoe for cats’ Christmas Eves

And let me assure you no balsam or holly,
Could make, on this holiday, yours truly so jolly

I frisked and I frolicked - I quite lost my poise,
When from up on the roof beam there came a faint noise

I pricked up my ears and I heard a soft clunk,
Then a series of tip-taps and one final thunk

I ran to the attic and stared through the skylight,
Had that feline elixir played tricks with my sight?

For there by the gutter at rest on the ice,
I spied a sleigh drawn by eight pairs of white mice


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