Thanks for the giveaway!

2 days ago

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ooh thanks. ive added this to my wishlist now

2 days ago

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hi sir! I tried to redeem the key but sadly it was already used

1 day ago

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Apologies, it was an old key. Please allow to delete

1 day ago

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all good! how do I do that though, just not marking the gift as anything? don't wanna get suspended for supposedly not activating key on my account :)

18 hours ago

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Moderator asked your permission, it will be not a problem

17 hours ago

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Hello leffe.

Unfortunately arjiwan has mislead you, we in support have not asked for your permission and we specifically advised arjiwan not to claim that we had. Now I'm letting you know what the situation is and how you can proceed.

Whenever a winner (you) is having issues redeeming their won key, they should always first leave a comment on the giveaway to explain the situation to the creator (which you correctly did). After that one of these things can happen:

  1. The creator provides the winner with a new key that the winner can redeem.
  2. If the creator is unable to provide a working key, the winner can mark the giveaway as "Not Received" when they are able to do so.
  3. The creator and winner agree to have the giveaway deleted. For this to happen, the creator needs the winner's permission but the winner has no obligation to agree. The default when a winner is unable to redeem a key is to mark "Not Received," deletion is completely voluntary courtesy.

Now that you've been made completely aware of the situation, how would you like to proceed? Either option is equally fine from Support's view, it is entirely up to you which you prefer.

16 hours ago

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You do not have permission to comment on giveaways.