
Undeterred by the harrowing encounter with the harpies, Sir Tristan steels himself for the perilous journey ahead. With determination burning in his heart, he chooses to take the path leading head-on into the Chasm of Malgarath, knowing that facing the dangers directly is the only way to rescue Princess Isabella.

As he approaches the entrance to the chasm, Sir Tristan is met with a daunting sight. The rocky walls loom high above him, shrouded in darkness, and an eerie silence hangs heavy in the air. With each step, the weight of his mission presses upon him, driving him forward into the unknown depths.

Deep within the chasm, Sir Tristan encounters a series of treacherous obstacles, including winding tunnels, hidden traps, and sinister creatures lurking in the shadows. Yet, fueled by his courage and determination, he presses onward, undeterred by the dangers that lie ahead.

At a critical juncture, Sir Tristan faces a pivotal decision:

Sir Tristan chooses to confront Malgarath directly, facing the sorcerer in a fierce battle to rescue Princess Isabella.

Sir Tristan opts for a more stealthy approach, attempting to sneak past Malgarath's minions and find a hidden route to Princess Isabella's chamber.

Thank you :)

1 year ago

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Nps ^^ Grats

1 year ago

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