... includes Titan Quest Anniversary Edition. As Fluffster told me you only can enter if you own it ;)
So you like to hack 'n' slash gods and demigods? Why do you believe in them? Cause how would you be able to fight imaginary entities unless you're hallucinating ;) Do you take drugs, I mean real drugs, not medicine... no, that's not a medicine as it makes you just more sick, just read the leaflet!
What's your favorite higher entity you worship? Or are you walking on the save side not wanting to incense any god... you know, just in case there's a vengeful one out there or in you and not a loving one who judges you based on your doings instead of your believes who would crush you for worshiping another one...
25 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by nospa2082
111 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by Bohemius
16,702 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by mjy
1,212 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ngoclong19
52 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fluffster
33 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Spartaaaaan
262 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Cromwell
777 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Fitz10024
5 Comments - Last post 4 minutes ago by gilbygamer
27 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by dealowack
73 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by Fluffster
327 Comments - Last post 28 minutes ago by DrR0Ck
16,347 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by DarthLonginus
196 Comments - Last post 47 minutes ago by ArtemB1988
I like the description <3
Thank u for the GA
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i own anniversary but i do not own ragnarok, can i still enter?
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... you're giving enough games away... sure :)
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Laa illaaha illallaah. There is nothing worthy of worship except Allah..
"“Allah will hold the whole earth, and roll all the heavens up in His Right Hand, and then He will say, 'I am the King; where are the kings of the earth?’”
(mutaffiqun alaihi)
Thanks for the wishlist giveaway. )
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Laa illaaha illallaah... google thinks it's Somali for Wait for the forgetting... is this a correct translation? If yes, what should it mean?
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What I typed is a transliteration of "لا إله إلا الله" for which I have already translated the (basic) meaning. "There is nothing worthy of worship except Allah (i.e. "God").
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... well prove of the Babylonian confusion :)
Google shortens "لا إله إلا الله" to No God except Allah. Well, that's the same each and ever monotheistic religion says. If they are right why don't their followers come together and stop millennia of violence against each other and find the true common core of their believes sending their dividing politician to insert favorite place? If it's just a naming problem, the interpretation of words imperfect men have written down when a fraction of their fellow beings were able to read... well than ancient words are more important than the good messages they have in common.
That said as long as someone is doing good things I don't care about their believe :) So... you're a good moderator, aren't you? ;)
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You have asked quite a few questions, there. Were you being rhetorical? Or would you actually like the answers?
I try my best. We have very high standards, and I am not perfect, but I keep aiming to meet those standards.
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The core is pretty much Love, but division created by religion and varying arrogance of opinion, being the fallible humans we are, also creates hate. So, it kind of fails itself by practice... sadly.
Spirtuality (what we already know and were born with deep down) > Religion (what somebody else "teaches" us as "rules-based")
and always will be.
Religion is mostly for the misguided and non-thinking, to be blunt. But if it comforts them, I have nothing against it really as long as it doesn't infringe on my own rights. When it does, like most do... when we try the acid test and see that they mostly fail to uphold their own values, and turn towards hypocrisy in the name of "insert chosen god here" then we have problems. Like wars, for example.
More explained below. Lots more.
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Can I ask something? Doesn't a person need to have Titan Quest Anniversary Edition activated already to be able to enter for the DLC? I mean everyone who will enter already owns Titan Quest Anniversary Edition, right?
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... nope, depends on your settings. You can exclude DLCs for games you don't own.
Took me a while to find it again: account/settings/giveaways point 3
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Oh I know. That wasn't my question.
My question was why are you including Titan Quest Anniversary Edition with the DLC since nobody can enter the GA for the DLC without owning Titan Quest Anniversary Edition. You're only going to get people entering who already own the base game since SG makes it impossible to enter GAs for DLC if you don't own the base game.
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The key for the DLC includes the base game.
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Yeah thought so. It would have made more sense to make a GA for the game including the DLC I guess. I'm not complaining or anything. It works for me. Just wanted to make sure the gifter knew but then since the DLC is not listed as bundled (even though it was) I guess it's a good move for CV
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Really? Are you sure? In case you're right those 214+ now have a better chance :)
Ok, checked by resetting my settings... and you're right. I wonder why SG shows these DLC anyway... Thanks for the info, I'll update the description.
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It's cool. And thanks for the GA :)
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Can't you delete that and make giveaway for this bundle?
Edit: Apparently you can't :/
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... ah, that's what I was going to post right now ;)
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I will just mention that I own Ragnarok and I can enter. Better check winner.
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There is only ONE god ^_^
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... and how many followers do you have? Just think about Om...
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me? O.o
there is one god but im not him, im just simple human
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... ah, I see... but which one is the ONE... cause, you know, there are many ONE out there as far as their believers say... and are you sure it's a him and not a her or hir?
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there is only one GOD.
at the moment you say "which one" you basically look at something of his creation, as he is - one, not few.
on the same principle he is of no gender or has a distinguish of a gender, there is no he or she for god, its simply GOD. :)
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... so are you saying there is ONE creator and there are MANY different monotheistic religions with similar but different scriptures giving the ONE different names and a male gender while there are also polytheistic religions splitting up the ONE into various aspects still reflecting to the same ONE entity?
As for which one I referred to the various monotheistic religions as most believers of one of these religions refer to their god as the ONE god...
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nope thats not what im saying.
im saying this
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I own the base game, so i join only for DLC.
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I don't really follow any religious entity, to be honest.
I enjoyed the heck out of the original Titan Quest (and then Immortal Throne when it came out). I've got several hundred hours in the non-Steam version. Thank you for making a giveaway for the DLC!:)
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Did somebody say Hallucinating? MUSHROOOMS!!!!
I have a "Higher Power" concept, just because it can be comforting, and also because I'd like to do good things in the world because my heart and mind and spirit want this to better myself and others around me (what if it were me? for instance...). I believe in a false idea of man-made god taking over the churches (called Archons and Demiurges - namely Mammon, God of Desires), and that is why they are in hate mode, destroying the planet, discriminating, promoting wars when it says thou shalt NOT KILL, taking money from people (in the form of tithes and other man-made ridiculousness) - but I do not really believe in Heaven/Hell concepts... heavens literally means sky... but somebody had some crazy imagination! Anyway the concepts are far too abstract, as a thinking person, and there is no proof. Also if there was a God, why would he make something that would be punished later - if they knew what they were doing - all-knowing, omni-present, etc. Basically taking all the commandments and warping them to their own standards, rather than following them - the "do as I say, not as I do" syndrome. Doesn't add up once the human disease is exposed from the teachings.
Nobody ever came back with documentation in the afterlife if they left and came back. Stories - how easy they can sway somebody without using their rational minds. The fact that they take in so much tax-free money in the US, and nobody who is "poor, sick, weak, lonely, in need of help in general" really gets a penny of the money, aside from their food pantries... which is probably paid for by 1% of their total incomes easily. The Vatican alone is raking in over $130 billion + a year. Probably at least ten times more not reported, since they are secretive and deceptive, since they serve and work for Legion, Yaldabaoth, Samael and Mammon. You look around this area, and there are churches everywhere, but people sit in them... not doing anything to make an impact in the towns around them. Basically doing exactly what their teachings say not to do... since it should always be about the root idea - selfless and complete agape LOVE - service to others. Love is sacrifice, afterall... All of the various books have a glint of wisdom, but they have been used for control and power, unfortunately.
Man-made trickery devices to gain followers in most religious structures. Some of the early Christianity before it was first dismantled by the Catholic Church was more free and were referred to as "gnostics" (thanks to Iraneaus and Constantine in the Council of Nicaea of course - creating new shit, and removing all the documentation giving people power - they neutered any concept of human thinking - just do as "WE" say). I have some texts, a few of which the Catholic Church tried to suppress from scholars and others, that contradict much of their newer false teachings. I also believe most religions are based on previous ones, built on and borrowed from. The references alone show that they were afraid of competition back then... wanting "their God" to be the only one. Arrogance! Like one church or belief system can contain something as mighty as GOD. It's almost laughable. God is either EVERYTHING or NOTHING. We cannot pick and choose there, really - at least on a thinking level.
In my looking over things comparing to more Hellenistic writings earlier on, almost all the Christian Bible of today is borrowed from either Mesopotamian or Egyptian roots. About 90% can be traced as such. Even the dieties themselves are borrowed and their powers are similar to previous ones (mention of Jesus being born on the 28th of December, of a virgin birth, which already was noted many other times before the Bible was written) The significance is called Saturnalia - when the sun hits its lowest point in the year - the house of bread, Bethlehem, the birthplace actually signifying Virgo constellation, which happens to be right there, the three wise men would have been stars aligned around the time period of such writing as well... the fish mentioned over and over - 100 A.D. would have been around the Age of Pisces - there are plenty of others - many referenced in Zeitgeist, the astrological parts backed up by Chinese records from 1000 B.C. and before). Rising again was the belief that the sun would then hopefully start to come back, leaving winter behind, creating life for crops, which in turn gave people life. That was what it was really about... I could give many accounts of what Jesus did for instance, and show earlier "Gods" that did the same kinds of things. Borrowed again. Tiamat is the snake of Genesis, for instance. Kundalini, a form of chakra meditation I am fond of, also means "coiled serpent" being the lowest chakra in your body at your tailbone area... They didn't want that competition either, since Hindi practice was abound, and this meditation was evil, just like Mesopotamians - all in the name of creating more recruits to gain more money, power and control.
I tend to see that particular writing in the astrological perspective, much like the Zoroastrians did - and in a sense like is explained in the religion part with human control in the movie, Zeitgeist. I have the book of sources, and it's huuuge! The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy is also a good one! Points out all the contradictions they have in there - which of course a perfect "God" writing a perfect book would not have entailed, or else it's ... well, not very perfect afterall - sorry to burst anyone's bubble. Amazing where everything seems to have come from (which then again probably came from somewhere else, but those are the oldest sources they could find). Makes much more sense, and people always convolute stuff for power and money and greed - as is the case in today's religious systems... across the board pretty much, save for some Hinduism and Buddhism, and a few others. Then again, very few forms of Buddhism even embrace a "God" beyond their own conceptions in the mind of themselves - or some such way. Hard to explain.
I also study comparative religion a bit, so I'm into many different ones - my focus is pre-violated Christianity though - of course not believing many things they currently do, and the normal aspects connected with Chrisianity in post-warped form. I like certain gnostic religious systems; this term is, unfortunately way too broad, as are many of the "sects" of other religious viewpoints, since they cannot even agree on the right version of the perfect God. Religion should be about caring, love, compassion, empathy, and people and their underlying divinity, or fragments of the whole Allness, or Atma so to speak, and not reliance on the churches for this... fabrication. To be perfectly frank, unlike today's oppressive version of gnostic/Christianity, early gnostic teachings actually do not rely on their teachings as "Absolute truths to OBEY OR GO TO HELL, etc." but rather they call them "myths", and we draw our own conclusions from the stories, as we are all unique and they are more about how it relates to one's own life - with unlimited interpretations. The church didn't want to lose control, so they snuffed out the gnostics for the most part, and burned their books as heresy - but some survived, much to the demise of those in power today. Some of us know the ugly truth of how they warped religion in the world. The group that folded for Roman greed and power were the ones that made it into the catbird seat, as competing Christian sects vied to become the ones in control over the others. This created the Roman Catholic horror that continues today.
I will also mention I have had at least one deep meditative state where I felt I was whisked up into something... like I temporarly left my body into a purely spiritual plane in another "something"... it was forceful as well! When I was on the way... no time or space made sense. All was there, past, present, future, and it was like my origin... everything was there, including the evil and good... and it was all pure Love. I cannot explain it, but I've never felt that feeling before in anything on earth. Not even close - it was far far more intense, like something just wrapping me up in ecstasy. After returning... a feeling stayed with me for about seven years... in a lighter form. I was never alone during that time - like something had its eye on me and was watching - and it felt like a fuzzy blanket was hugging me. I also broke my drinking addiction during that time, as I was a horrendous alcoholic when I was younger, binge drinking every day - had to or I'd get the shakes/delirium tremens after years of abuse....
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