
Early Merry Christmas!

If you wanna stop for a second and write something please share what game you've played was the most pleasant surprise to you I^v^I

Hmm probably Tales from the Borderlands. While I was expecting to like it since I love Telltale games, I was a bit weary since I hadn't ever gotten into the Borderlands franchise. It's now one of my favourite games! I love your avatar so so much btw. :)

7 years ago

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Thanks for the chance! As for a good surprise, hmm... Well, I got Tabletop Simulator which technically isn't a game but it has one hell of a selection available through its workshop. For something less... platform-ish I suppose Chroma Squad? I don't usually play strategy / tactics rpg games but I took a risk and its fun.

7 years ago

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I will have to try Chroma Squad, it looks fun :D

7 years ago

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Fallout new vegas. Expected to like it, but not so much that I'd want to play it again - I never want to replay games

7 years ago

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I don't know if it was the most pleasant surprise but I've been playing the call of juarez games lately and they are better than expected. Solid gameplay; diversity, good atmosphere. And it's fun to learn a bit about the wild west :)

7 years ago

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What have you played already? I still have to play the first CoJ and maybe buy the rest :)

7 years ago

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I finished the first one and really liked the perspective switching between the main characters. I'm half way through the second one -gunslinger-. Graphically it's nicer ofcourse and it adds a rpg-like element of upgrading skills which is nice too. Level design is very good; it does not get too repetitive for me. And the setting in the Wild West is nicely done. A definite thumbs up from me, especially on sale. :)

there is no need to play the first one in order to get the story on the second one or something like that. Still; my advice is to play the first one first and then try out gunslinger. You'll appreciate the dev teams work in creating two entirely different games with same basic gameplay and same setting... I feared 'more of the same' but that's not the case luckily :)

7 years ago

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Unfortunately I've played Gunslinger first. It was a few years ago and fell in love with it instantly :) Enjoyable gameplay, cool way of telling the story and... a great sense of humour :D From what I've heard there's one game from the franchise that really stands out and is not enjoyable at all - the one set in nowadays times. But first part and Gunslinger are very good :)

7 years ago

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yeah, the cartel is widely considered worst one in the series. If I find myself ever owning that one I'd play it just to see if I feel the same, but I don't think I'll buy it myself, def not at full price...

If you're not grossed out by slightly outdated graphics, give the first one a shot. :)

7 years ago

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No, I don't mind outdated graphics at all, last summer I've finished MoH:AA just because of nostalgia and I had a lot of fun :)

7 years ago

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great game! :)

7 years ago

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I think GemCraft - Chasing Shadows was my latest surprise.
I really enjoy whole Tower Defence genre, but after playing this one I can easily say it's my favourite. It could use some better graphics, but when it comes to gameplay it's just phenomenal and full of stuff to do.

7 years ago

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Straimium Immortaly
did not know what to expect, certainly didn't expect it to be one of muh favorite games this year

7 years ago

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35MM is my pleasant surprise. I saw it under the post-apocalyptic tag on sale awhile ago, and I picked it up expected a generic, indie walking sim (and Im sure plenty would call it that), but I fell in love with the story. I love when a game doesnt hand feed me the story, but makes me piece it together with notes/newspapers/letters. The atmosphere really stuck with me too. Plenty of flaws, bugs, and bad translations but... The story and atmophere really sucked me in

7 years ago

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It looks interesting to me too, I'll try to play it during Christmas - does it take long to finish it? :)

7 years ago

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Nah its fairly short. Probably around 3-3.5 hours if you dont rush through and try to pick up all the notes and things. I hope you enjoy it if you do end up giving it a try :)

7 years ago

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Neat, I like short games :) I'll probably give it a try between sessions of Stardew Valley :D

7 years ago

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Ironically enough for this year it was probably this game!

7 years ago

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Transistor, i think.
I didn't know much about it and i found it great.
My first perfect game on Steam.

7 years ago

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Been on my wishlist for a while! I've heard many good things about this game.

7 years ago

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Limbo, probably, never heard of the game till it was given with the PS+ long ago on the PS3, first time i've bought the subscription, happy for the "free" games, and when i was waiting for Arkham City download to finish, i've started the game and... love! From that time, i've finished the game 6-7 times, and it's still soo good!

7 years ago

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Merry Christmas!

Hmm gunpoint was the plesant suprise for me

7 years ago

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Hmm. That's a tough question. For a game to be a pleasant surprise I'd have to not expect it to be as good as it is. But when that happens, my expectations apparently get wiped from my mind. It's only the disappointments that I clearly remember. Still, let's try.

2 games I'm fairly sure I didn't expect to enjoy so much are King's Bounty: The Legend and Risen 1. Before playing them I thought they'd be fun little straightforward distractions for me to cool off with while playing complicated strategy games. Turns out they both captured my imagination quite intensely.
Next, we have King of Dragon Pass, a game I definitely did not expect would turn out to be one of the best games I've ever played.
Another one is BlazeRush, which, again, I thought would be a fun little distraction. Turns out it's possibly the best game in its genre. And another is Post Apocalyptic Mayhem, which, while not really outstanding, is probably my favourite action/racing game. That was a surprise because it had a 40s metacritic score, back when Steam reviews weren't a thing.
Next, there's Day of Defeat: Source. Went in expecting just another good shooter. Over the years it's become one of my most played games on Steam. And an honourable mention: Battlefield Heroes. Probably the most satisfying vehicle combat I've ever experienced, and infantry combat was really fun too. I just wish it wasn't pay to win and had a server browser. And faster map loading. And better anti-cheat.
Moving on, there's UFO: Afterlight and Space Pirates and Zombies. I didn't expect either to grab me the way it did.
Another is Club Manager 2015. I went in expecting a poor man's Football Manager. Turns out it's a really good game and has its own niche, focusing on finances, investments and long-term management of a club instead of tactical micromanagement.
Finally, there's Hammerfight, which was a pleasant surprise in both gameplay and atmosphere.
Oh, here's a bonus: Winemaker Extraordinaire. Went in expecting another average casual game. Turns out it's a wonderfully relaxing experience, thanks to the soundtrack, art style and leisurely gameplay. And you get to make fun of wine snobs too, some of the wine descriptions are hilarious.

Interestingly, the types of game I most love (management, grand strategy, political strategy, city builder, space strategy, etc.) are barely represented here. It seems I always have high expectations of them, so they mostly end up disappointing.

7 years ago

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Thanks for a nice list :D

7 years ago

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