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Ah, another one for sure: Webbed! What a fun little game.

2 days ago

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Won this (sticky business) earlier in the year!

So far it's a really cute hobby-buisness simulator, gives you a big overlap between helping people and making money, and also very much has that "one more turn" loop of something Serious, Intense and Committed like loop hero or civilization. Recommended if those things sound like a fun combo!

2 days ago

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Oh man, now I wan to get the game for me too! I loved Loop Hero.

2 days ago

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This game is a relaxing creative game where you can make stickers and fill orders. I greatly enjoyed it for several hours.. and then I just started trying to figure out how to get the most value for each sticker and cared a little less about design.. I have yet to figure out how it determines prices.

I also enjoyed pretending it was my actual shop with secret deals that people would get, such as 3+ stickers = free candy :p

2 days ago

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