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Oof! Epic giveaway, Thank you💚

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1 year ago*

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Added to description, thank you! 💖 And good luck :D

1 year ago

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this game looks so beautiful, cant wait until I have time to try it. Thanks a lot for the GA :)

11 months ago

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Can confirm, very beautiful game! :) A lot of the puzzles are fun too, and luckily for people who are not so good at platforming like me, lol there's only one or two parts where you've gotta be in a bit of a rush, so for the most part, you can take your time figuring things out and lining up your jumps ^^
But yeah, don't worry about not being able to get to it any time soon; life constantly demands attention of course, haha. Hopefully Rime is an enjoyable time when you get to it, and I hope life treats you kindly in the meantime <3

11 months ago

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