


You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. Well, not exactly.

Instead of a carefully laid-out warehouse, with everything perfectly aligned and uniform, imagine decades of stuff placed into storage, then forgotten. Barriers to your progress consist not of walls, but of surplus chairs, desks, folding tables, shelving, filing cabinets, stacks of Bankers Boxes, endless ordinary brown cardboard boxes, some opened, some still taped shut. Larger items shoved anywhere they would fit. Narrow passages, dead ends, dust. You wonder how the lights are still working.

You notice a small piece paper on the ground here. It appears to be a recent arrival. Looking closer, it is a page torn from someone's appointment book. Almost as if someone were lost in a maze, and trying to mark where they'd been. It might not be a bad idea to remember where you found this.

The piece of paper says: 03 August.

are there heroes without ears?

6 years ago

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That's a good question! Many of these games sound like they were google-translated, so maybe it sounds better in the original language... :)

Good luck! :)

6 years ago

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Thank you very much, fiftykyu, for Crappy Platformer #2938472374923027349826394!

I'm not really looking forward to reviewing this one for you. ;-)

6 years ago

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It's difficult just writing replies for all this random garbage, I don't know how you'll manage reviews... :(

Hoping you won something good in here, somewhere... :)

6 years ago

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Apart from the lack of sound effects, Eared Hero would be an admirable game made by a single person for a game design class or similar, but as a saleable product it's not there yet. It's too boring and uninvolved for a more mature player, but too difficult and lacking in auditory feedback for a typical child. It might appeal to achievement hunters, but based on other reviews it sounds as though some of the achievements may be broken. Anyone else should look elsewhere.

It wasn't absolutely awful, but wasn't good enough to bother finishing.

I'm sorry for the delay in these; I've been playing some real games. I finally just finished the BATTLETECH campaign: 92 hours! I think I must be really bad at that game. Others have finished it in far less. I'll probably play a few multiplayer matches and do some more random single-player missions when I have a hankering for some more Battlemech combat. It's good fun. :)

6 years ago

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Aha, thank you! Sorry for the delay, been playing too much metal gear myself actually... :)

The lack of sound seems weird, but I assume it was intented for cheap bundles from the beginning. No point working one minute longer than necessary... Presumably there's a free platformer template available somewhere, just replace a few sprites and submit it to Steam. And maybe the one with sound effects costs money? Dunno...

I guess we made this mess ourselves, buying all the horrible cheap bundles for the precious +1s. It's not the wasted money that makes me feel bad, since crappy bundles are so cheap, but all the wasted time. Activating all the Steam keys, idling the games with trading cards, trading the trading cards, making the badges during the big sales, etc. It's tempting just to sell all the cards and be done with it, but of course that would take even longer... Sigh.

Hmm, other than Evangelion (which doesn't count, I suppose...) I can't remember which giant robots fighting thing is which... :( There's a vague memory of playing a Mechwarrior game a long time ago, but not actually understanding what I was doing, what was the point, etc. Felt like it was part of something else, something I didn't have a clue about. Not sure if Battletech is like that, or a completely different sort of thing. Sorry! :)

6 years ago

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