Clearing out my Humble keys.
I need to make a decision on Humble Monthly. March had a game I wanted as it's big title, April had one game I really wanted and one I took on a whim, and this last month was just the pits in my opinion with one game I only sort of want. But many previous ones I didn't get turned out to be generally pretty good after the fact. Do I decline to get the next month, I have Stellaris (it's pretty decent until you get to the late game)? But then if I do, how much do you want to bet that it's a great supporting cast?
Should I adopt a sort of Pascal's Wager? Given the modest cost compared to my current income, is it not rational to wager on the rest of the games including several I'd like? If I buy, and regardless of it they are good or bad, my loss is finite. Whereas if I don't buy and they're bad, then it doesn't matter. Whereas if I don't buy and they're good, I'm missing out on a great deal on indie games I'll have to wait for another sale for. Like Pascal arguing that the rational human wagering on God existing based upon the finite cost and either infinite reward or infinite suffering, shouldn't I wager on the old white bearded flying spaghetti game in the sky just in case? I don't necessarily agree with Pascal, my personal inability to decide on a divine isn't aided or hindered by any risk or reward and I have the utmost respect for those who can make a reasoned decision on the topic, in either direction.
Anyway, that's a lot of typing, no thanks are necessary: I'm most likely not going to play these games, so you taking them is better than the keys going to waste.
262 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by stertyr
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221 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by zkndlin
First thank you for 4 wishlist games giveways :)
If your finances allows you to pay monthly I think it is worth. Alternatively you can ignore bundles and if you miss game you really like they you can easily trade with other steam users taking only game you need for cheaper price.
So I think cheapest way to get only games you want from that bundle is trading and no risk, but you have to find trustworthy trader who don't ask too much :)
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This sums up my thoughts fairly well I'd say :)
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To Humble or not to Humble. That is the question...
I think that most of the monthlies have been pretty good so far, but since you only get to see one of the included games, there's no way to know if the rest of them in the next upcoming monthly (or the one after that, or the one after that...) will be worthwhile for you. I guess the real question is...
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gracias :)
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Thank you for all the giveaways.
I have the same dilemma when it comes to the monthly bundle. I kind of regretted not getting the Dirty Rally/Inside bundle. Other months though I feel like I dodged a bullet on money wasted on games I would never play. I wish I could be of more help. If you play games regularly and have the finances, I think it's mostly worth it. Especially if you want the game shown, and it's at a historical low price. That's why I'm getting Stellaris this month.
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If money isn't a problem just go for it and don't lose any more sleep over it.
Will there always be great games in it for you? Probably not. But if you worry about missing out on a great game or deal, then what is your peace of mind worth to you?
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Do it.
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Thank you for this amazing giveaway!
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I don't think Pascal's Wager considers that what humans believe God does or doesn't consider good may be incorrect. That also makes it impossible to know if what you are doing is considered good or evil and may be the opposite of what is true. Living your life believing a God exists that will punish you if you aren't acting good also implies you know what that God considers good.
Each Monthly has around 8 games with an average (total) MSRP of 160$~ which makes each game sold for the "equivalent" of around 20 USD (by MSRP average). Since the Monthly (going by Month to Month) is 12$ each game costs $1.50 (ea) (real money), on average. Presumably if you can find one game each month that you think is worth 20$ (by MSRP) and gives you 1.50$ of entertainment that will make it a worthwhile purchase, assuming that the title costs more than $1.50 normally and value increases as it approaches a higher retail cost that meets or exceeds 12$. In bundles with more games or if you use a Multi-Month subscription the threshold is lower. (This entire paragraph is probably bullshit though, I wrote most of it tired and inebriated)
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The general faith in an altruistic God (yes I am a scientist, and there is NO solid proof) DOES imply that you know what God considers good. This uncertainty may not be used as an excuse to simply give up on considering an ethical question.
God DOES expect you to exercise your conscience to determine what is good or not. If your conscience disagrees with a certain religion or two, yes you ARE intended to go with the former. Ethics, which considers proper behavior, move mankind in the correct direction even if God did not exist at all.
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I don't really consider it an ethical question. It is essentially choosing to bet all your money on red because you THINK the ball exists and likes red. Being good solely for a reward isn't ethical that seems more like risk management than a question of ethics.
This also assumes that ALL people hold the same standard of good and evil as a God. Not in that they know exactly what is right or wrong but that what they believe God thinks is right or wrong is entirely correct. Revolutions all over the world start because a group of people think their leaders are evil. Revolutions, in general, require that people are killed but killing is generally considered an evil act. In that case how is it possible to know which is correct or which side a God would consider to be correct in a conflict? What about a war in which both sides are considered good?
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Doing what is right is an ethical question that does not require you even to believe in God. I made no assertion that you should be ethical for a reward.
You do not need to match what God thinks is right. Last time I checked, none of us are mind-readers. You do not have to hold the same standard as God or other people. You do what YOU think is right. In the story of the Judea-Christian-Islam beginning, humankind was initiated into a world of moral choice with the consumption of a fruit which gave them Knowledge of Good and Evil. So, if you believe in that God, he asserts that you DO have the ability to make an ethical choice.
Also, simply saying "I accept Jesus as my personal Savior" does not make society any better. One should consider their ethical position.
Of course, the history of mankind is full of conflict--often, both sides want to consider that their own perspective is correct and good. Nevertheless, society will function better for all if both sides fairly consider the ethics and the perspective of their opposition, even if there were no God and if we will simply rot in the ground forever at death.
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Thank you!!
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Thanks for the chance!
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Ty ^_^
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This post got a little deeper than expected ;->
Well as long as money doesn't hurt you.
Buy it.
In any case you have either the reward of good cheap games or the even better reward of making other people happy by giving away games you don't want or already own. ;->
Thank you.
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It's already too late
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thank you!!
it's in my wishlist
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Thanks :]
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I haven't been getting the humble monthly lately after getting really disappointed. But then I just ended up vexed when I missed out on games like this...
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i dont know i personally dont like cats in a bag :)
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Yo! Thanks for the giveaway :3
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As others have said, if your finances permit, keep it up. Even if you only end up keeping one game, any individual game usually costs more than the monthly subscription fee, so even if you hate all the games one month, the cost will be made up with one or two games you like in later months.
However, if finances are tight, look at your backlog and wishlist. If your backlog is really long, and/or your wishlist is short, I would fix those first before continuing to stockpile games. Which of the two you favor more is up to you ;)
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Thank you for this, it's very much appreciated
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Thank you bruh :D~
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Thanks!! =)~~
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Thanks again for the chance!
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