
As the "the| Gamer #FALLOUTHYPE" said:
ATTENTION! This game is not for casual gamers or people who like to be a badass superhero instead a real challenge!

Jagged Alliance 2: Wildfire is basically Jagged Alliance 2 on steroids


  • More weapons than in the vanilla version of JA2
  • All weapons are rebalanced
  • Loads of new items
  • A completely reworked map with more lively urban and more dense flora sectors
  • Harder difficulty, wich forces you to use actual tactics due to...
  • ...the fact that enemies will not behave in the same pattern like in JA2, there are different types of fiends that will use different, more sophisticated tactics which forces you to differ in terms of tactics and think outside the box more often (wich I really like! :)
  • Side missions are actually important now
  • New mercenarys (that replace old ones, its a Pro if you played JA2 a lot and want something new ;)
  • Up to TEN mercenarys in one squad (instead of 6)


  • Can be punishingly hard (Novice in JA2:W equals roughly Expert in JA2), especially for new players! I would recommend to start with JA2 if you are new to the franchise, unless you seek a challenge or you think that games like frozen synapse or commandos 2 are way too easy :D
  • Sadly no Mod support
  • Infinite stopwatch bug which lets the enemy stay in an infinite round and forces you to close the game (though rarely witnessed^^)

In terms of bugs, typos and poor voice acting and incompability...i played this game for uncounted hours with the retail version and ten hours with the steam version (on Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit) and it crashed only once or twice, there are a few bugs, but not gamebreaking ones and none that cant be fixed by reloading an earlier safegame, except the infinite stopwatch bug which only occurs rarely :P
The voice acting is quite amateurlike but in a likable way, afterall this is basically a Mod plus, the voiceacting of the vanilla JA2 isnt good either but afterall very likable and characteristic and...this game doesnt take itself too seriously all the time whatsoever, the overacted dubbing, borderline stereotypical characters and the sci-fi setting are proof enough for that ;)

So overall, this is a game for fans of the franchise, the genre, a challenging experience or strategiefreaks :)
If it werent for the 1.13 mod for JA2:Gold, i would say that Wildfire is the best installment of the Jagged Alliance least in my humble opinion :3

I Hope this review helps somebody to decide if you should buy this or not :)


9 years ago

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thanks :)

9 years ago

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Thank you!

9 years ago

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thanks :3

9 years ago

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Thank you for this giveaway :)

9 years ago

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Thank you!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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