This is no requirement to enter or win this giveaway, but if you could spare a couple of minutes of your time, please read on.
TLDR: New YouTube channel, link is at the bottom. Please consider checking it out and subscribe if you like the content. The following is info about me and my channel.
I have recently started up a Youtube channel. It's just a hobby for now, and not meant to be any source of income. So far, I've found a bit of success from advertising my channel in these giveaways, so I'm going to continue to do so. If you feel like you could spare a couple of minutes, I'd highly appreciate you checking out the channel, and subscribing if you like the content.
Short info about my channel: I'll be doing Let's Plays of various short to mid length games, in what I hope to be a chilled and relaxed atmosphere. The channel will mostly include games that tick either one or more of the following genres: Adventure, puzzle, strategy, management, survival, post-apocalyptic or story rich games. I'm no genius of the games I'll be playing. I'll mostly try to play games blind. Sometimes I'll make mistakes, I'll be slow, and I'll be learning. I'm sure you'll find plenty of moments where the solution is obvious. If you're looking for high level plays, my channel will not be for you. My playthroughs will be in a down-to-earth and relaxed atmosphere. I will do my utmost to try and commentate in a calm and relaxed manner. Hopefully with time, I'll start to open up a bit, and there'll be more jokes thrown into the mix, but it'll always be in a quiet and relaxed tone. For now, you'll mostly deal with my shy introvert self. Also note that english is not my native language, and if you do watch my videos, I think that'll be fairly obvious to you from time to time. To a degree I'll also be uploading my failures.
I know I've said "relaxed" a lot. But I really want to emphasize what kind of personality I have. There'll be no shouting or loud laughing or anything like that in my videos.
At this point you might think "Why let's plays? Let's plays are a thing of the past". You might be right. But I'm just doing it for fun. I enjoy recording videos, and I enjoy the fact that there's a few of you out there who even enjoys watching them. I have no illusions about becoming the next big YouTuber or Twitch streamer. It's just a hobby, that I enjoy sharing with other people.
So far I have completed 4 series. Ori & the Blind Forest (Sequel planned in the near future), Little Nightmares, The Last Spell, and Frostpunk. Currently I'm recording and uploading Into the Breach and Tropico 6, which seems to not be super popular, but I'll finish them none the less, as I enjoy just playing and recording. As a mini series running alongside the other two series, I'm also trying out the games in the Steam bundle called Serene City-builders. I've currently uploaded Cloud Gardens, Townscaper and ISLANDERS, and are now finishing it off with Dorfromantik. Dorromantik has, however, turned into it's own little series (Which was not at all the plan, but I love the game, and have an awesome one going, that I wanted to share with whomever wants to watch).
I'm still trying to find a format that works best for me, and originally the plan was 2 videos a day. However, since I also have a job, I quickly found this to be too much. So at the moment I'm aiming for 1 video a day, which should be much more manageable. I have also been thinking a lot about the length of my videos. With games where it's possible, I'm limiting them to around 30 minutes.
To give my fair viewers some variety, I've started uploading alternating videos, so it's not the same game being uploaded every day. At the moment the plan is to have a minimum of 2 different series going, but I'll be aiming for 3.
I'm still trying to find a balance between having a backlog to upload, and not have too many videos waiting to be uploaded, to have a chance to react to any comments there might be. So far it's not a problem, since the amount of comments is limited.
In the giveaways I've created, I usually list the games I'm interested in playing in the future. I have, however, already found that list to be changing pretty much from giveaway to giveaway. So don't take this as a promise, but rather as an indicator of the kind of games I'd like to upload to my channel. These are some of the games I'd love to upload in the future: Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Dead Cells, Hollow Knight and/or Railway Empire. I'm also toying with the idea of doing a longer playthrough of some big RPG. Could be Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Pathfinder, or something similar. I've been told repeatedly that people enjoy my voice, so I'm also considering games with a lot of reading, although my personality doesn't really allow for voice acting just yet.
I want to emphasize that subscribing to my channel is NOT a requirement to enter or win the giveaway.
If you've read this far, thank you for your time. If my channel is not for you, then no hard feelings. And do not feel compelled to subscribe just for the +1. I highly prefer that my numbers reflect interested people :)
With that being said, good luck with the giveaway, and stay safe out there! :)
Here's a link to my channel if you're curious:
260 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by Adamdoodles
38 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by Adamdoodles
2,433 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Spiralll
48 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Sklurm
119 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Vasharal
108 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by IronKnightAquila
27 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by grimfandango8888
52 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Cjcomplex
297 Comments - Last post 3 minutes ago by Kajo86
148 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by PoeticKatana
125 Comments - Last post 7 minutes ago by PonBaron
10,076 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by TeDGamer
2 Comments - Last post 28 minutes ago by cabfe
88 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by VinD3
Looks you're pretty conssisten uploading the content. Thants a good Start. Subbing to see more on that.
Also Thanks for The Chance :)
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Thank you so much for your support! It really means a lot! And yes. I try to upload something every day. I feel like consistency is super important. Give people a reason to check every day if there's something interesting to watch :)
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Thank you for the chance
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Thanks for ga :3
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thank you :-)
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