5 months ago

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Added, thank you!

5 months ago

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It says I'm on your blacklist, I can't go to the next cart, or the next cart not yours...

5 months ago

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I've only ever reciprocated to blacklists from this train and so we must be on each others :)

The one after mine is this one (Which goes on for 3 carriages) and then moves onto another user for this one.

I hope that helps and if you need more ahead let me know :)

5 months ago

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You are not on my blacklist. I only blacklist level 0 account... I think I know where is the problem: I have no cart on this train, I just copypasted a cart for another user... Maybe he blacklisted you...

Comment from Cart 3031

5 months ago*

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Well I'm glad to see the politics of blacklisting have made things needlessly complicated enough for me to understand why I don't generally use them.

I don't even know what "blacklist level 0 account" means. I'm just here to spread joy in this train. If the other user had me blacklisted then perhaps you should follow the rules set out in the OP of this thread as you continue. People here are helpful (Also a guideline in the OP) and will sort you out with future carts :)

5 months ago

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I'm talkink about CV (contributor level): if your level is 0, it means you have not created a single giveaway.

But I repeat you are not on my blacklist because I have no cart on this train, but you are still keep me on your blacklist.... If you check my profile you can see I don't create giveaways since 10 months, and you can see all my previous giveaway because you are not on my blacklist... But do as you wish...

5 months ago

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But do as you wish...

All blacklists I have ever added are from this train. The only time I've ever been aware of blacklists is from this train. The word "Blacklist" comes to my attention and I immediately assume it's some sort of community activity to reciprocate.

It seems to be the fashion to be blacklisted and mention it.

5 months ago

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The word "I don't have a single cart on this train" and "You are not on my blacklist" seem to mean nothing to you...

5 months ago

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I would suggest that you take this up with the moderators of this site if you are upset. They are a good team and have dealt with these types of things before I am sure.

Enjoy the train. There are lots of carts ad only a few days left to take part :)

5 months ago

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To remove people form your blacklist is up to you not the moderators. It seems to me that you're trolling me: blacklisted me for no reason and keep ignoring my words

5 months ago

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The perception of trolling is a difficult one to give value to on this occasion.

You contacted me to say you were on my blacklist. I have advised you on how to processed to the following carts and offered my service again should you need them.

You then corrected yourself as to how you considered yourself to be on my blacklist stating that it was because of someone else's link.

This may, or may not, be true. The considerations I have given, and the nature of how blacklists seem to be used, seem to indicate to me that it is best if we leave the matter as is it and further precautions be taken by each of us in the future when dealing with similar matters :)

5 months ago

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I corrected myself when you stated the reason to add me to your blacklist. I give you all the proofs that demonstrate that you are not on mine, and that I have no giveaway on this train and you are ignoring those proofs.
For me this is trolling.

5 months ago

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And also I'm not interested in your giveaway, I only enter giveaway on my wishlist. It's unfair to be blacklisted for a wrong reason when I just did a favor and copypasted the link for another user

5 months ago

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I can understand how that may be, for you, trolling.

I have just engaged in a conversation with you, which I did not start, for over an hour. Within my conversation I have given advice and tried to assist for you to proceed along the train easily.

The entire incident has been a mild inconvenience which I was not expecting whilst trying to keep an eye on the carts I have here and make sure my GAs have a friendly and supportive framework within them.

As I'm sure you can understand, this miscommunication has given me enough concern to suppose that this may indeed be trolling and I've applied caution in this case as I do not want to upset the joy that the train is meant to give.

Believe me there is plenty of carts with my offerings also and little time left to visit them all.

Have fun, and the next time we meet on here I hope we can look back on this unfortunate incident and leave it all behind us :)

5 months ago

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Thank you. Got the game.

5 months ago

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