
Since I've been informed I cannot bump my own threads with my own tunes anymore by support, I'm adding more giveaways publicly to show my appreciation!

Watch out - warning you! I'll report your asses if I see you bumping your own threads, like I was doing!

The fangs will ... come out!


Check out my great blacklist extravaganza! NOW WITH ... MUSIC!!!! Add your own tunes! We're awesome! BI-WINNING!

Every day for the Steam sale, I'll add some... game. It's gonna be mostly bundle trash on my thread... Like 99% of steamgifters give out here.

Thanks to - 50q (I hope you stumble upon this... hehe) and.. whodafukizdis? - for the inspiration on this trashy idea of debauchery. I learnt from the masters. The onion layers are peeeeeeling back... but will they be revealed? In time, my fellow men and women of greatness... in time. Just lend me your ears for now, and be...

patient... patients... with patience.

Today's game on this great THREAD created by yours truly is: Yakuza 0

I know... I know... bundle garbage, but hell, it's better than some stuff out there. I learn from the best... casual gifting is great!

Oh, since I can shamelessly plug away while I'm at it, check this shit out too! I'm getting filthy stinking rich off it!

That's why I can give out these amazing games here to you! The more you join and follow, the more chances for ... more bundle trash like Yakuza 0. Sorry it's so lame. I'll try to make a New Year's resolution to give out less go-go/otaku trash... and more great games like... that one on my blacklist thread - instead of... Aik's Cheese... bundle... trash. Love you guys! Thanks for supporting me through thick and thin. That's what makes the world a beautiful place to live in... nice, kind, non-bullying, forgiving people. The spirit of the holidays! :3

There's a secret message in my little song... ;) Don't read into it too far. The guilt's on my hands too, not just yours.

And! Queue the shameless plug, and... The Tyranny!




  • If you're interested, check out my group (it will focus on Adult games) here

  • For extra support, please consider a follow here

Followers and Group members, you are SWEET! Spread the love for candies and all things good in the world!!

Abyssal Ascent Reviews

Extra Group: If you are interested in You Whitelisted Me! , feel free to apply HERE FIRST!

You may still request an invitation, but you'll get a friend request to discuss further if you don't leave some info in the application discusssion, or I don't already know you.

Under construction, but it will be spectacular when we are finished!

Look forward to group-only stuff in all three from time to time!

Eh... not everyone knows the logos. Nor will comprehend it, once they even see the limitations of their own lack of comprehension - hence the more you know the less you know. They are lost in the hype that their own establishments of religion blinded them by... hence Ha-Satan/Iblis/djinn/mephistopheles/Man/Pan/Abraxas/Samael/Yaldabaoth/Lucifer/ etc. I could name another 500 more - overthrew Good. The TWIST! How Man corrupted Man, overthrowing his own Divinity with a creation of Sin... It's a Sin - (shittier Pet Shop boys cover) - an enslavement device to keep himself in check. Because he is unnatural - Adam Kadmon - and the Apocropha of John, and... so forth. Blah blah.

tl;dr - just go... somewhere else. uneducated, unappreciative, unimaginative boring tightwads. the world is better off.... -----------------------------------------------------------------------you cannot comprehend greatness because your ego(d) is in the way. search deep within and find the answers you seek. Praise Barbelo


6 years ago

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You're welcome on each!

6 years ago

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